temporarily halt Trump cuts to pediatric cancer research at many small and mid-sized institutions as 22 attorneys general filed a successful lawsuit to continue NIH funding for critical disease prevention research. directed by the governor proposes systemic operational changes, 29 actionable recommendations at MPS. said he was “proud” of the progress made toward clearing the backlog—despite his DOJ having only tested nine out of 6,000 backlogged kits.
Media pundits are over analyzing election results. Republicans showed there is nothing they will not do to get power. Democrats insisted on nominating exactly the wrong person and have written off large swaths of rural Wisconsin. We live in dangerous times.
ALTOONA, WI - What’s perhaps most shocking about the turn our country has taken is that so many were shocked. Media pundits and the professional operatives and party insiders they count on as sources have a habit of over analyzing elections and over complicating politics. What just happened is not that complicated.
Anti-establishment feelings are running sky high, making 2016 a change year and November 8 a change day. Donald Trump was seen as the change candidate. Hillary Clinton was seen as the stay the course, more of the same candidate. Clinton emphasized her experience and qualifications and readiness for the job. Trump talked of draining the swamp. If voters had been in a stay the course state of mind, Clinton is elected. A huge number were in no such mood. Tens of millions felt the urge to extend a middle finger to the powers that be. Trump was the biggest middle finger they could find."Gallagher should have immediately sounded the alarm when an agent from a hostile foreign power sought to meet with and influence his boss," say Wisconsin Dems.
Is Walker the political candidate referenced in an FBI agent's affidavit related to the indictment of Russian operative Maria Butina? Spokesperson also refused to deny whether Walker staff has been contacted.
Why are we ripping innocent children away from parents? We need to return to our defining American values and welcome those who come to our nation seeking a better life. puts gun sales over our kids safety, say activists, as 10 more killed and 13 wounded at Santa Fe, Texas school.'s threatened trade war would be devastating for Wisconsin soybean, cranberry, and ginseng farmers, who export their crop to China and Europe.