power-hungry Legislature is undermining the checks and balances of our system. Enough is enough, say election watchdogs, Vote no on April 1. contains sweeping reforms to improve public safety, reduce costs to taxpayers and recidivism, and support corrections staff. temporarily halt Trump cuts to pediatric cancer research at many small and mid-sized institutions as 22 attorneys general filed a successful lawsuit to continue NIH funding for critical disease prevention research. 5 years, Wisconsin Republican's failed agenda has left Wisconsin trailing the national average in private sector job growth, while they continue to funnel tax-payer money to their big campaign donors and companies that ship our jobs overseas.
Those alarmed by the actions of the radical right are going to have to warm up to agitation and provocation. American now stands at a crossroads.
ALTOONA, WI - Several decades ago three young students journeyed through dusty rural California in hopes of meeting famed migrant farm worker organizer Cesar Chavez. Once they found Chavez, they sat with him and asked, “Cesar, how do you organize? ” Chavez replied, “well, first you talk to one person, then you talk to another person, then you talk to another person….”
The students assumed Chavez misunderstood their question and clarified that they wanted to know how mass movements are built. Chavez repeated, “first you talk to one person, then you talk to another.”
The key to making change is as elementary as Chavez’s secret of organizing.
It comes down to discomfort.
Comfortable people don’t move. They stay where they are because they are comfortable where they are. To make them move, they have to be made uncomfortable.
It’s like the basic law of physics . . . and object at rest will remain at rest, unless some force makes it move. A corrupt political establishment will stay corrupt and a failing political system will keep failing us, unless some force makes the powers-that-be change their ways.
That force is discomfort.
The world lost a selfless and inspiring leader when former astronaut and Senator from Ohio John Glenn passed away on Thursday.
MADISON - In light of the passing of war veteran, astronaut, and US Senator John Glenn, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning released the following statement:
"Today is a sad day for all Americans with the passing of hero Sen. John Glenn. Sen. Glenn admirably served America in World War II and the Korean War, was the first astronaut to ever orbit the earth, and served honorably in the United States Senate. His service to our country will never be forgotten, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family."
Wisconsin ranks 34th in the nation over the last five years on private-sector job growth. We deserve more.
MADISON – Bureau of Labor Statistics' quarterly jobs figures show that Wisconsin continues to lag behind the nation in jobs. Wisconsin ranks 34th in the nation over the last five years on private-sector job growth. The people of Wisconsin have suffered under 20 consecutive quarters – or five full years – of below-average job growth.
“Wisconsin ought to be a top-ten economy but Republicans have been far more focused on rigging our political system to keep themselves in power rather than growing jobs," said Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca (D-Kenosha). “Republican inaction on jobs has prevented Wisconsin from benefiting from national economic growth that is helping workers and businesses in many states get ahead."
Assembly Democrats promise to push an aggressive agenda to grow jobs, support a robust middle class, and kick-start new businesses. They renewed their call for a summit to grow Wisconsin jobs, reach the goal of making Wisconsin a top-ten state in jobs, and address the state’s dead last ranking in start-ups. residents are facing increased damage to roads and bridges from recent floods. Rainfall intensity in Wisconsin is increasing, and the state should consider building structures, like bridges, to accommodate more intense weather.
The recount is important for five reasons, (1) it was close, (2) late deductions were from Trump, (3) Outagamie County had more people voting than voters, (4) Trump’s wild charge on illegal voters, and (5) it’s always good to test the machinery.
MADISON - I’m glad there’s going to be a recount here in Wisconsin.
Here’s why:
Five valid reasons for the Wisconsin presidential recount
Requiring an accurate count is a bare minimum for our democracy.
Another bare minimum is respect for the Fourth Amendment. But the Wisconsin Supreme Court, sharply and oddly divided, just took another whack at it, as I explain here:
Wisconsin Supreme Court shreds 4th amendment
One more thing: Today is Giving Tuesday, when people all across the country are encouraged to make charitable online donations. So I’m urging you to make a tax-deductible donation right now to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. It’s easy: All you have to do is click here.