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Elon Musk is a Disappointment

Posted by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert lives in Howard and is a Partner in the Green Bay Progressive. Mem
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on Tuesday, 13 August 2024
in Wisconsin

trump-musk-interview-2024Musk's support for Trump risks tarnishing his legacy as a visionary leader and aligning him instead with a figure who represents the antithesis of the rational, evidence-based thinking he supposedly champions.

LAKE GENEVA, WI - Elon Musk's support for Donald Trump is a baffling contradiction to his image as a champion of science and innovation, aligning him with a leader who denies facts and undermines democratic principles. This alignment risks damaging Musk's credibility and alienating the progressive communities that have supported his ventures like Tesla and SpaceX. Once a symbol of innovation and coolness, Tesla's brand is now being tainted by Musk's association with Trump's divisive politics, threatening his legacy as a visionary leader.

Elon Musk's vocal support for Donald Trump is not only perplexing but also dangerously misguided, especially given Musk's reputation as a champion of science, innovation, and forward-thinking ideals. On the surface, Musk's alignment with a figure like Trump seems wildly inconsistent with the values of rationality and progress that Musk has built his public persona around. After all, Trump has repeatedly denied scientific facts, from the reality of climate change to the efficacy of vaccines, and has shown a blatant disregard for truth and democratic norms. These are positions that should be anathema to someone like Musk, who has made his name by pushing the boundaries of what is scientifically and technologically possible.

Musk's support for Trump, therefore, raises serious questions about his motivations and judgment. Is Musk driven by genuine belief in Trump's policies, or is his support more about personal and financial gain? It's no secret that Trump's administration was favorable to billionaires and large corporations, offering tax cuts and deregulation that directly benefited Musk's businesses. However, this kind of transactional loyalty overlooks the broader consequences of endorsing a leader who has consistently undermined the very foundations of democracy and truth.

By throwing his weight behind Trump, Musk risks not only his own credibility but also the trust and admiration of the communities that have supported his ambitious projects like SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink. These communities are built on a foundation of scientific rigor, evidence-based decision-making, and a commitment to solving some of humanity's greatest challenges—principles that are starkly at odds with Trump's anti-science rhetoric and divisive politics. Moreover, Musk's support of Trump could alienate the very people who have been his most ardent supporters: the engineers, scientists, and progressive thinkers who see in Musk a beacon of hope for a better future.

laura-kiefertIt used to be cool to drive a Tesla, symbolizing a commitment to innovation, environmental sustainability, and the future. Now, with Musk's increasingly visible alignment with Trump, that cool factor is fading, as the brand becomes associated with the very political ideologies and anti-science rhetoric that many Tesla drivers actively oppose. Musk’s support for Trump sends a message that he is willing to overlook—or even endorse—policies and behaviors that are fundamentally at odds with the ideals of progress and innovation. This not only undermines Musk's own credibility but also threatens to erode the public's faith in the projects and technologies he champions.

In the end, Musk's support for Trump reveals a troubling delusion: the belief that he can separate the man from the policies, or that his personal alignment with Trump won't have broader implications for his reputation and the causes he claims to care about. It's a dangerous gamble, one that risks tarnishing Musk's legacy as a visionary leader and aligning him instead with a figure who represents the antithesis of the rational, evidence-based thinking that Musk supposedly champions.

— Laura Kiefert

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Every Vote Counts

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 07 August 2024
in Wisconsin

voters-2022-gettySenator Smith reminds voters to do their civic duty and cast their ballots in the upcoming Primary Election next Tuesday, August 13.

EAU CLAIRE, WI - Voting is just like exercise. The more you do it, the stronger you become. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of participating in elections, especially in the upcoming Primary Election happening next week on Tuesday, August 13. Yet, voting is not just a civic duty. It’s a fundamental right that underpins the very essence of our democracy.

Primary elections often don’t receive the same attention or turnout as general elections, but they play a critical role in the democratic process. Participating in primary elections is essential for many reasons, especially for the August 13th election because citizens will be voting on two constitutional changes. Primary elections also reflect a wider array of opinions and increases the legitimacy of the candidates selected for the general election.

These often overlooked elections also serve as a critical juncture for ensuring representative governance. In many districts, particularly those that are heavily skewed toward one party or another, the primary election effectively determines the winner of the general election. In such cases, the primary election is the most important opportunity for voters to influence who will represent them. By casting your vote, you help ensure that the elected officials who represent you truly reflect your preferences and values. Intra-party competition also allows voters to evaluate the performance of incumbents and decide whether they deserve another term.

It’s also worth pointing out that even though the primary election is only six days away, you still have until tomorrow’s August 8th deadline to request your absentee ballot for this election and the upcoming general election in November. Acting today will help you get your ballot in time and make your choices from the comfort of your own home.

voting-dropboxAfter requesting your ballot, you will receive your absentee ballot in the mail, but since we are 6 days away from the election, the best bet is to drop off your ballot to your municipal clerk’s office before 5pm on Friday, or you can drop off your completed absentee ballot at your polling location on Tuesday until 8pm.

Requesting your absentee ballot now will also ensure you receive it well in advance of the general election happening on November 5th. It’s important to note that even if you signed up for an absentee ballot last year, you’ll have to sign up again every year after to get your ballot. If you moved, you will have to re-register, but it isn’t something you have to do every time you vote.

The best resource for understanding how to vote and making sure you know when the election is, where you vote, how to register and what’s on your ballot is to use the www.myvote.wi.gov website.

jeff-smithDespite continual court challenges and laws designed to limit voting, we must make our voices heard, even in the primary election. It’s not about politics, it’s about our civic duty to participate in democracy. It’s what makes our country great. Each citizen has the right, and the duty, to vote in every election.

Don’t forget to vote all the way down your ballot too. Learning about state and local candidates is just as important as your pick for US Senate or Congress. If you don’t know who is running locally or what their stances are, just ask your friends or look them up online.

If you ever have any questions about voting changes or need to know how to register to vote or request your ballot, my office is ready to assist you. Just email us at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or give us a call at 608-266-8546. Feel free to also contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission with any election related question by calling them at 608-266-8005.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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The Truth About the Biden Administration vs. Right-Wing Claims

Posted by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert lives in Howard and is a Partner in the Green Bay Progressive. Mem
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on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
in Wisconsin

trump-vance-rnc-2024Claims about the administration damaging America undermine the real progress being made and perpetuate a divisive narrative that only serves to mislead and polarize for cynical political gain.

LAKE GENEVA, WI - Trump supporters claim that the Biden administration is the worst ever and that their policies have damaged America. The reality is quite the opposite. The Biden administration has been tirelessly working to address critical issues and improve the lives of countless Americans.

Under Biden's leadership, we’ve seen significant economic recovery efforts, especially in response to the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The stimulus packages, including direct payments to Americans, have stabilized the economy and provided much-needed relief to those hit hardest. Contrast this with the narrative from the right, which ignores these vital lifelines and paints a picture of economic doom.

Look at the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. It's a monumental effort to rebuild and modernize America’s infrastructure, creating jobs and improving transportation, broadband access, and more. Yet, Trump supporters dismiss these transformative projects and spread misinformation about their impact.

Healthcare has been another priority, with the Biden administration working to expand access and affordability. Efforts to reduce prescription drug costs and enhance the Affordable Care Act are real, tangible benefits for millions. Still, the right clings to the false narrative that healthcare is being ruined, ignoring the progress made in making it more accessible.

Climate action has been a cornerstone of Biden’s policies. By rejoining the Paris Agreement and promoting clean energy initiatives, this administration is taking crucial steps to combat climate change and protect our environment. Meanwhile, Trump supporters continue to deny the urgency of the climate crisis and undermine these essential efforts.

laura-kiefertSocial justice is at the forefront, with Biden’s administration pushing for reforms in criminal justice and addressing systemic racism. These are steps toward a more equitable society, but the right dismisses these efforts, claiming they are divisive rather than recognizing their necessity for true justice.

On the global stage, Biden has worked to restore America’s standing through diplomacy and international cooperation. Rebuilding alliances and tackling global challenges collaboratively are critical, yet Trump supporters often view these efforts as weakness, ignoring the benefits of strong, respectful international relationships.

The right’s claims about the Biden administration damaging America are not just false; they are harmful. They undermine the real progress being made and perpetuate a divisive narrative that only serves to mislead and polarize. It's time to set aside these baseless accusations and acknowledge the positive changes happening under this administration. We need to move forward with a focus on facts and reality, not partisan distortions.

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Consequences for JFC Inaction Again

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 31 July 2024
in Wisconsin

fishing-flySenator Smith points out the consequences of inaction by the Joint Finance Committee, including a measure to increase the Trout Stamp to support stream habitat improvements.

MADISON - When a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? How about when the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) removes an agency’s funding request before it even sees the light of day?

That’s exactly what happened last year when the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requested a $5 increase to Inland Waters Trout Stamp (IWTS) at the request of angling groups, in addition to another $234,000 needed to fully operate fish hatchery operations. The Governor listened – he included it in his version of the budget. Legislative Republicans didn’t include it in theirs. It wasn’t discussed, it was rejected outright for no reason except that it came from the Governor.

jfcphotoThere are scores of examples just like this that never see the light of day. Political decisions by Republicans on JFC to leave out vital requests from agencies like these have downstream consequences that are playing out as I write this. Especially in this case when fisheries now lack the money needed to transport the fish they have already raised this year. Now we are hearing from anglers in western Wisconsin that this year’s crop of fingerlings may not be able to get to the streams they were intended to end up in.

As a result of JFC removing the DNR’s request to increase the Inland Waters Trout Stamp (IWTS) from $10 to $15, sportsmen are missing out on an estimated $800,000 annually. That money would have gone directly to supporting habitat restoration work needed for streams, and more specifically, for the end goal of sustainably stocking fish. After all, it would make no sense to breed fish if there is no place to put them where they can thrive and reproduce on their own.

The last time there was an increase to the Trout Stamp was in 2006, and since then inflation has risen approximately 55%. So what was intended to be $10 from each stamp 18 years ago is now less than half of the money going to stream restoration. Trout Unlimited and their members are the ones asking for this increase because they understand what’s at stake.

The DNR’s Bureau of Fisheries management is tasked with the very time intensive and expensive work of rearing trout and getting them into specially designated waterways to ensure their survival. Citing structural deficits to their funding in the 2023-2025 Biennial Budget, they are now forced to pause their trout and salmon production this year. Although the $5 increase in trout stamp offered by the Governor at the request of anglers wouldn’t go directly to fish rearing, it would however alleviate an already strained budget.

Without this vital work being done - from start to finish - the future of our trout fishing heritage will suffer in Wisconsin due to politics at its worst.

jeff-smithIn talking with folks who care deeply about what it means to pass on our sporting heritage, our state government needs to do more to ensure these opportunities exist for the next generation.

Next year when we start the entire budget process again in February, the Inland Waters Trout Stamp fee increase needs to be requested yet again, in addition to allowing the money raised from it to go directly to tireless work of trout stocking. Now that we see the true ramifications playing out from chronically underfunding state agency programs like this, I hope everyone keeps a keen eye on the Joint Finance Committee. After all, no one hears the tree fall in the woods unless someone is listening for it.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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Tourism Brings Home the Bacon

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 24 July 2024
in Wisconsin

tourism-eaa-airventureSenator Smith highlights the record-breaking gains we are seeing from our tourism industry statewide, which is fueling small businesses in small towns all over Wisconsin, and especially in the Chippewa Valley.

EAU CLAIRE, WI - You know the feeling. The car is loaded up. The cooler is packed. The kids are buckled up and you are backing out of the driveway for that long-awaited vacation. Where are you headed? It doesn’t matter. You’re hitting the road and every moment after that is an adventure filled with new memories with your family. These are the moments during the year we live for, and what better place to go out and play than in our own backyard right here in Wisconsin.

Tourism, and every business associated with it, is not just a boon for our small towns – it creates opportunities for families to reconnect and, if you’re lucky, there are some moments along the way that just might last a lifetime. Whether traveling on a shoe-string or a lavish trip, every dollar spent on Wisconsin tourism makes a big impact for our state.

In fact, Wisconsin has reason to celebrate our tourism yet again. I don’t like getting into the weeds with statistics typically, but I think it’s worth noting some of the key highlights I took away from reading the Department of Tourism economic report (here) for 2023.

tourism_circus-world-museumWhile 2022 saw record increases in spending in Wisconsin after COVID put the brakes on our usual travel plans, 2023 came over-the-top and smashed all previous records with over $25 billion (with a B) in revenue. That’s almost 6% more than the prior year and that increase is good news for thousands of workers across the state.

According to the report, tourism alone generated 127,000 jobs across the state and $6.8 billion in income for those workers. Locally, here in Eau Claire County alone, tourism generated $434 million in revenue and 3,851 jobs. That’s a lot of hard-earned cash making a real impact for those hard-working Wisconsinites.

eau-claireThe 2023-25 state budget, approved by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Tony Evers appropriated $34 million to “raise Wisconsin’s profile across the country as a premier business, cultural and recreational destination,” according to the Tourism Department. By my math, a $34 million investment from the state in an industry that generates $25 billion is a fantastic return on investment.

In my official capacity at the Capitol I have the opportunity to learn a lot about tourism being a member of both the Wisconsin Council on Tourism and the Senate Committee on Agriculture & Tourism. I get to see the successes and the challenges our tourism industry faces each year.

jeff-smithHere is western Wisconsin we have plenty of Minnesota people who like to drive the Great River Road and Illinois travelers who make the trek up to our region for fun. There is no shortage of people, but small towns that make our communities unique become stretched to the max supporting festivals and events that draw hundreds of people to towns that serve as home for only a few hundred folks. Fundamentally, it’s the slower pace of these small communities that bring people back again and again, and these communities are the backbone of almost all of our tourism statewide.

Our state must continue supporting the network of cities and towns that fuel our tourism industry and listen to their local elected leaders and business owners to keep identifying ways we can propel this trend moving in the right direction. If you have ideas about ways the state could do more, feel free to email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . I am always here to learn from you so I can be your voice in the Senate.

Stay safe this summer and be sure to look out for each other on the roads.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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