utility-shut-offSarah Godlewski outlines emergency orders and actions taken to protect the economic security during this public health crisis. Also resources available through the US Small Business Administration.

MADISON - We know a healthy economy is dependent on the health of its people. As we adapt to the Governor’s essential #SaferAtHome order, my office is working hard to provide the resources and information Wisconsinites and our small business community need.

sarah-godlewskiSince my last email, there have been a number of emergency orders and actions to protect the economic security of individuals and small businesses during this public health crisis. A few notable updates are:

In addition, there have been updates to resources available through the US Small Business Administration (SBA):

The most current information on eligibility and the application process for all of SBA’s loans can be found at www.sba.gov/coronavirus.

We know that COVID-19 will continue to impact our lives and our community. We are working with our partners to provide the tools and information Wisconsinites need to help navigate this uncertainty. Please feel free to reach out to my office via email at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with questions.

We are in this together.

Stay safe,

Sarah Godlewski, Wisconsin State Treasurer