MADISON - For a while now, I’ve been trying to interest reporters in Wisconsin in one of the most under-covered story of the last year: the fact that we now have 78 communities – second only to Massachusetts – that have voted overwhelmingly that they want to amend the U.S. Constitution to proclaim that corporations aren’t persons and money isn’t speech.
On Nov. 8, Wisconsin citizens in 19 more communities can express themselves on this vital idea. Check it out here:
A crucial vote November 8 you haven’t heard about
In another promising development on the reform front, Assembly Democrats held a press conference last week laying out their ideas for redoing the disastrous campaign finance bill that passed last fall. We’ve added a couple of our own ideas, as you’ll see here:
Assembly Dems point way toward reform
Meanwhile, we keep reporting on the role of big money here in Wisconsin.
For instance, we discovered that outside groups – from the left and the right -- are outspending the candidates themselves by a long shot:
Special interest electioneering groups outspending legislative candidates
We also found out that an outside group that was created for Gov. Walker’s failed presidential run is still bringing in money, including $100,000 from one New York company:
Who’s still donating big bucks to Walker’s presidential support group?
And we noted that the vast majority of Republican legislators received a 100% on their report cards from Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce:
WMC honors legislators in its pocket
I hope this info is useful – or at least mildly interesting – to you.
Talk to you soon.