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This Vet's Life Should Matter Too!

Posted by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Laura Kiefert lives in Howard and is a Partner in the Green Bay Progressive. Mem
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on Wednesday, 06 July 2016 in Wisconsin

David N. ThompsonDecorated Disabled American Navy Veteran was robbed of $13,000 of cash and travelor's cheques, and another $2,500 from his debit card, while he waits in Jamaica for emergency evacuation that never came. Owner of EMed Jamaica "air ambulance service" misrepresents himself as Florida Doctor to extort $17,000 more from Wisconsin family.

GREEN BAY, WI - Black lives matter. But then, all lives should matter, especially to those who claim the trust we give to people identified as part of the medical community, here and overseas.

I want to bring public awareness to the tragedy that our family has been forced to deal with and to find justice for our brother David N. Thompson, Sr.  of  Madison , Wisconsin. He was in Jamaica, visiting friends and recuperating from a toe amputation when he became ill. Doctors at Cornwall Regional Hospital in Montego Bay, Jamaica MISDIAGOSED his condition, and referred his family to EMed Jamaica, an air fight ambulance company who charged his family $17,000 and assured us our brother would immediately be transported to the U.S.

However, they delayed transporting Dave for nearly NINE hours.

Our brother died before being flown to the U.S. for treatment that the Jamaican Medical Examiner later said would have saved his life had be been transported in a timely fashion.  My family and I believe the delay was intentional in order for EMed Jamaica to make the most profit. 

During what was a painful, helpless, and terrifying ordeal for him, Dave, who was a decorated Disabled American Navy Veteran was robbed of $13,000 of cash and travelor's cheques, and another $2,500 was fraudulently withdrawn from his debit card.

Duane BoiseDuane Boise, the owner of EMed Jamaica, was the person who showed up at the hospital to attend to Dave, but he fraudulently represented himself as Dr. Garth George, an Emergenccy Physician with over 20 years experience in saving Americans with health emergencies in the Carribean. Our Investigation has revealed Boise is is a felon convicted in Florida of Criminal Use of ID. In a effort to substantiate the company's charges for a service they failed to perform , Emed Jamaica then produced documents with forged signatures.

Dave deserved better.

The US Embassy in Jamaica has told us it is beyond the realm their responsibilities to assist in the criminal investigation of the wrongdoing involved in his death. We, Dave's family, have  hired an attorney in Montego Bay to help bring civil charges against those responsible for letting our brother lay in pain, strapped to his bed, while allowing him to die, all in order for someone to profit.

We hope this true story of Dave's ordeal will convince you that his life mattered too.


For more information on how to help, go to our goFundme page here.

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Laura Kiefert lives in Howard and is a Partner in the Green Bay Progressive. Members of FaceBook can follow her at My Truth and Anti-Alternative Facts , @mytruthandantialternativefacts.


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