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Celebrating all Traditions this Holiday Season

Posted by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31
Jeff Smith, Senator District 31 (D - Eau Claire)
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on Wednesday, 11 December 2024 in Wisconsin

mdsn-state-street-capitolSenator Smith encourages us to take time while celebrating this holiday season to consider the rich traditions and customs of other religious holidays as well.

EAU CLAIRE - For most of us, this time of year is for celebrating. Once December hits we’re in the holiday season—Thanksgiving leading up to Christmas and then New Year’s celebrations.

Although Christmas has much meaning for most of us, there can be no arguing that exchanging gifts has overshadowed the religious significance of the holiday. After all, Black Friday is aptly named as the day when retail outlets make their greatest profits from consumers buying Christmas gifts.

Yet, this season raises our spirits in so many ways. It’s a time when we can forget our differences and reflect on what could be.

jeff-smithI was raised in a Catholic family and attended a Catholic school. As a child, I was taught in catechism with the expectation that the Catholic faith was all I needed to know about religion. But I was always curious and even disappointed that I didn’t know more about the many other cultures and religious beliefs around me—and there are so many.

Trying to learn and understand other beliefs or cultures can be challenging, but it’s also interesting and surprising. What we learn from other religions isn’t really so different from the religious beliefs and values so many of us hold dear.

christmas-eve-serviceChristmas is the culmination of what many consider our traditional year, but other religions follow their own calendar. Knowing when important religious holidays happen can tell us a lot about each other. I learned a lot just looking ahead for the next few months.

On January 14th the celebration of Makar Sankranti, a time of peace and prosperity in the Hindu religion, will occur. On January 19th, the Baha’i will be celebrating World Religion Day.

muslim-ramadanFor Muslims, there are many religious events on the horizon this winter and spring. On January 26th and 27th, Lailat al Miraj, the Muslims will be observing Muhammad’s nighttime journey from Mecca to Jerusalem where he ascended into heaven. Similar to Lent for most Christians, Ramadan is a month-long time for fasting and prayer beginning on February 28th.

hanukkahJewish followers start their two-day celebration of Purim on March 13th. And, on April 12th, followers of the Jewish faith begin the seven-day Passover commemorating the freeing of Jewish slaves from Egypt.

capitol-xmas-treeThis is only a fraction of the opportunities to celebrate and observe religious events that help us understand each other better.  Here in Wisconsin, on December 5th, the Wisconsin State Capitol Holiday Tree was lit. Wisconsinites of all backgrounds came together during the tree lighting ceremony to share diverse stories and traditions.

Although 2024 is coming to a close and the end of year holidays are coming fast, we should take a moment to be thankful for our loved ones who make the holidays special and be willing to reach out to those who struggle through the holidays too.

Any time of the year, we should all celebrate the desire for justice, peace and good for all. The desire to get along and the way in which we should treat each other is reflected in nearly all religious holidays throughout the year.

I hope you take time to learn and understand others. Whatever your beliefs, I wish the greatest of joys to you, your family and your friends while we endure the hardships in this world together.

Senator Smith represents District 31 in the Wisconsin State Senate. The 31st Senate District includes all of Buffalo, Pepin and Trempealeau counties and portions of Pierce, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson and St. Croix counties.

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