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Here's to 2012!

Posted by Deb Stover, area resident & voter
Deb Stover, area resident & voter
Deb Stover, area resident & voter has not set their biography yet
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on Friday, 23 December 2011 in Wisconsin

'twas the night before Christmas, and all through the state, petitioners were stirring, because the recall can't wait...

The republicans were smugly snuggled, with Koch cash in their bed, while the rest of the state is all seeing red...

The volunteers in their recall t- shirts and the staff in winter hats weren't settling down for a let- up just yet...

For out in our communities there arose such a clatter because when Walker got in we knew something was the matter...

When, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but thousands of protesters with a resolve without fear.

No Walker! no Walker! No walker! They called...

And that wish will come true if we all keep resolve...

For there is no greater gift that we can give our great state,

Than a Democratic governor

Before it's too late!


Looking forward to working with you all in 2012!

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Deb Stover, area resident & voter has not set their biography yet


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