Tuesday October 22, 2024

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  • Why My Radicalness Is Getting More Radical

    We cannot fix a broken system with broken tools, bad bosses, inferior materials, co-opted workers and corrupt corporate leaders and federal politicians says Richland Center progressive. We need to think bigger. RICHLAND CENTER, WI - Setting aside the pain and suffering of the infected for a moment, this pandemic is pulling back the curtain on th ...
    Apr 14 Tags: Untagged
  • Ed Wall: Scott Walker Lacks Ethics

    Former Walker Cabinet insider reveals how the Governor’s lack of ethics and continued efforts to conceal the operations of government from public view stopped him and others from providing the best, cost effective services to Wisconsin's citizens. MADISON - In Wisconsin, a litany of stubborn facts is helping define the race for governor between ...
    Nov 02 Tags: Untagged
  • Other entries by Administrator

Bob Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive

Bob Kiefert is the Publisher of the Northeast Wisconsin - Green Bay Progressive. Before moving to Green Bay in 2008, he was the Assistant Director of Human Resources for Milwaukee County. A graduate of UWM in 1971, he moved to Madison, where he was Executive Personnel Officer and Technology Manager for the State Department of Employment Relations. He is a former Vice Chair of the Democratic Party of Brown County, Director at the Human Resources Management Association of S.E. Wisconsin (now SHRM), and Technology Commission Chair for the City of Franklin. Bob is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force (1965-1971).

Recent Posts

  • GOP Failure to Confirm Brad Pfaff as DATCP Secretary

    Senator says move is further proof that the Republicans have gerrymandered the state to the point that they no longer feel accountable to the people who elected them. MADISON - Senate Republicans voted on Tuesday to fire the Governor's Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection cabinet appointment, Brad Pfaff. The move left Wisconsin's leading ...
    Nov 07 Tags: Untagged
  • Last Minute Kimberly-Clark Agreement Protects Taxpayers and Workers

    Passing of AB-693 as originally touted before election was a bad deal for taxpayers and would have opened the floodgate for more Foxconn deals. GREEN BAY, WI - Kimberly-Clark Corp. and Gov. Scott Walker announced an agreement in Fox Crossing Thursday that will keep the company’s Cold Spring plant open. The deal comes after more than 10 months of ...
    Dec 14 Tags: Untagged
  • Kimberly-Clark Bailout Plan Questioned

    After management wrestles $20,000 pay cuts from workers, Green Bay's Senator Dave Hansen doubts company's sincerity in fulfilling their part of the $115 million bailout deal. GREEN BAY, WI - Back in January, Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KC) of Neenah announced it was considering closing two manufacturing facilities in the Fox Valley. These includ ...
    Jul 26 Tags: Untagged
  • FULL VIDEO: Rewatch the Democratic Gubernatorial Debate

    On Thursday, the eight major remaining Democratic candidates for Governor met at WUWM studios in Milwaukee. Here is the video of the debate in its entirety. MILWAUKEE - On Thursday, July 12, 2018, the eight major remaining Democratic candidates for Governor, Tony Evers, Matt Flynn, Mike McCabe, Mahlon Mitchell, Josh Pade, Kelda Helen Roys, Paul ...
    Jul 13 Tags: Untagged
  • Court Decision Calls For Special Election in NE WI Senate District

    Judge in Madison orders Governor to hold special elections to fill seats vacated in December. Sen. Dave Hansen and fellow Democrats had pushed for the elections. GREEN BAY - For months, Sen. Dave Hansen of Green Bay has been calling on the Governor to hold special elections to fill seats vacated in December by Republicans Frank Lasee of De ...
    Mar 23 Tags: Untagged

Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Robert Kraig

Robert Kraig is Executive Director, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, 221 S. 2nd St., Suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53204.

Recent Posts

  • Everyone Must Do More to Interrupt Systemic Racism

    Commentary on the arrest of the white supremicist militia member who murdered two Black Lives Matter protesters and injured a third in Kenosha, and law enforcement’s apparent lax response before and after he shot his victims. MILWAUKEE, WI - As a white and gay man, I am struggling like many of you to figure out what I can best do to support our ...
    Aug 29 Tags: Untagged
  • We Can Win this Election on Healthcare

    MILWAUKEE, WI - I am absolutely thrilled with the direction of this election! At Citizen Action we made a strategic judgement years ago that if we organized to elevate the issue of pre-existing condition discrimination, health care would be a decisive election issue. Now years of organizing is paying huge political dividends. Here we are in the h ...
    Oct 27 Tags: Untagged
  • Walker Plan Does Not Make Up for Cost of Sabotage

    Governor now finds it convenient to pretend to care about health care costs, but 7 years of sabotage of the ACA reveals that he has been more than willing to play politics with the lives of Wisconsinites. STATEWIDE - Governor Scott Walker is touting the approval by the Trump Administration of his complicated health insurance scheme that does not ...
    Jul 30 Tags: Untagged
  • Wisconsin Pharmaceutical Price-Gouging Bill Announced

    Bill would give Attorney General power to investigate skyrocketing generic drug prices set by big pharmaceutical corporations to lower prices and protect Wisconsinites. MADISON - At a news conference at the State Capitol today Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Senator Dave Hansen (Green Bay) and Rep. Jimmy Anderson (Fitchburg) announced new ...
    Mar 07 Tags: Untagged
  • Citizen Action Endorses Tim Burns for State Supreme Court

    Burns a breath of fresh air in corrupt Supreme Court election process says statewide progressive social justice group. MILWAUKEE, WI - Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a statewide progressive social justice group with members across Wisconsin, announced Tuesday its endorsement of Tim Burns for State Supreme Court in the primary election on February ...
    Feb 15 Tags: Untagged

League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski

League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski has not set their biography yet

Recent Posts

  • LWV WI Calls On Lawmakers To End Gerrymandering

    Wisconsin legislature should establish a redistricting system similar to that in Iowa says nonpartisan political organization. MADISON, WI - With a legacy going back almost a century and a presence in all 50 states, the League of Women Voters takes the long view on how voting district maps are drawn. In Wisconsin the League has been active on ap ...
    Feb 13 Tags: Untagged
  • Proponents of Constitutional Convention Should Try Governing Instead

    Wisconsin Assembly scheduled to call next week for a federal constitutional convention to add a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It's a bad idea, says League of Women Voters. MADISON – The Wisconsin Assembly is tentatively scheduled to vote next week on proposals calling for a federal constitutional convention for the purpose ...
    Jun 07 Tags: Untagged

Patti Philbrick-Linzmeyer, area resident & voter

Patti Philbrick-Linzmeyer, area resident & voter has not set their biography yet

Recent Posts

  • What is Ribble Afraid Of?

    Why does Reid Ribble refuse to meet with the folks who sent him to Washington? Instead, Representative Ribble offers an easier alternative, easier for himself. It’s called, Telephone Town Hall Meetings. GREEN BAY - US Representative Paul Ryan does it. US Representative Tom Petri does it. US Representative Sean Duffy does it. Why won’t US R ...
    Oct 25 Tags: Untagged
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