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Elections, Elected Officials and Political Parties
Republicans Struggle to Find Strong Challengers for Senate PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Wednesday, 10 May 2017 10:12

tammy-baldwinState GOP looking to outsiders to run against Baldwin.

MADISON - Another day, another news article about Republicans refusing to challenge Senate Democrats in 2018. Today, the Associated Press released a news article highlighting Republicans failure to recruit top-tier challengers against Senate Democrats up for reelection in 2018. They specifically highlighted Wisconsin saying, "In Wisconsin, Gov. Scott Walker and Rep. Sean Duffy have declined to challenge Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Instead, less-known Republicans, albeit some wealthy outsiders, are considering bids."

After Rep Sean Duffy announced he wasn't planning to run against Senator Tammy Baldwin as many expected, Wisconsin Republicans have been scrambling to find a replacement. Unfortunately, those replacements have been wrought with scandal and lies.

"Republicans are wringing their hands trying to choose between a candidate that praised Tammy Baldwin on twittervoted in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, and an east coast hedge fund manager," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Brandon Weathersby. "Nothing will fix the fact that the Republican's top candidates were scared off by Tammy Baldwin's record of fighting for a Wisconsin economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top." Update: 5 Questions For Kevin to Answer... Truthfully PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 09 May 2017 15:23

kevin-nicholson-cspanDemocrat or Republican in hiding. Kevin Nicholson needs to come clean.

MADISON - Last week, the Associated Press broke the news that Kevin Nicholson registered as a Democrat in 2005 AND voted in the 2008 Democratic Presidential primary in 2008. While the AP did a great job uncovering Kevin's lies about his political beliefs, some questions still linger. Before the GOP convention this weekend, Kevin needs to answer some questions for Wisconsin voters.

1. If you were "livid" with the Democratic Party by 2007 why didn't you change your party registration in 2008?
2. If your wife's contribution in January 2008 was for you, and you supported John McCain in the May 6th primary, again, why didn't you vote for Republicans? How long has your wife made donations in your name?
3. How did you vote on the other Democratic races on the 2008 democratic ballot in which "no preference" wasn't an option?
4. Did you change your story to get Illinois millionaire Dick Uihlein's money?
5. Why should Wisconsinites believe you now?

"Kevin Nicholson needs to come clean before this weekend's GOP convention," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Brandon Weathersby. "If anyone other than an out-of-state millionaire is going to support his candidacy, Kevin Nicholson needs to tell Wisconsin voters the truth for a change. Conservative columnist Christian Schneider is right. Wisconsinites do have a very acute manure tolerance meter. Kevin Nicholson doesn't pass the smell test."

Is Sheriff David Clarke Backing Down From Challenging Sen. Tammy Baldwin? PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 02 May 2017 14:04

david-clarkeMilwaukee County Sheriff's strategy appears to involve working in the Trump Administration and not running for U.S. Senate.

MADISON - Last week, news reports surfaced naming Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke as a potential White House pick for a role with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The news comes after months of prolific spending on his behalf by the Sheriff Clarke for Senate committee, the official Draft Clarke super PAC.

In late January, the Sheriff Clarke for Senate committee registered with the Federal Elections Commission and aggressively fundraised to convince the Milwaukee County Sheriff into running for U.S. Senate. In just its first two weeks of operation, the PAC raised over $175,000 and secured 25,000 voters and donors promising to support Clarke in a potential run for Senate - by the end of it's first thirty days the PAC had raised more than $300,000.

The PAC's dollars went to promoting Sheriff Clarke with Clarke branded lip balm and bobbleheads in the Sheriff's likeness at CPAC this year. Along with that, the Sheriff Clarke for Senate committee and another pro-Clarke group, the Committee to Defend the President, both paid for polls to see how the Sheriff would fair in a challenge to Senator Baldwin - both polls showed the Sheriff losing in a head-to-head match up. Currently, the group has a billboard up, on Highway 175 in Milwaukee County, promoting the Sheriff's stance on immigration.

"Sheriff Clarke has tried everything under the sun to increase his profile. Whether it's inflammatory statements online, regular appearances on cable news, or traveling the country to speak to conservative groups, Clarke is always looking for an out. It's too bad for the Republican Party of Wisconsin that his exit strategy appears to involve working in the Trump Administration and not running for U.S. Senate," Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Brandon Weathersby said on Monday. "Now, with another top tier candidate being too afraid to challenge Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the Republican Party is only left with millionaires and candidates backed by millionaires to potentially run for Senate."

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 May 2017 14:08
Tim Burns Announces Candidacy for Wisconsin Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tim Burns, Supreme Court Candidate   
Monday, 01 May 2017 15:31

tim-burnsMadison Attorney wants to ensure courts are fair for everyone, not just special interests and wealthy donors.

MADISON - On Monday, May 1st, 2017, Madison attorney Tim Burns announced his candidacy for Wisconsin Supreme Court, almost one year out from the 2018 election when Justice Gableman's term is set to expire.

This announcement comes just two weeks after Justice Gableman and four other justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court refused a proposal requiring judges to recuse themselves from cases involving their big campaign donors. The Court's decision violates citizens' rights to a fair and impartial court.

The following is a statement from Tim Burns:

"I'm running for Supreme Court because I believe in our democracy. I believe our country works best when everyone has a voice in governing, not just special interests and wealthy donors. I believe in democracy because it affirms the dignity and value of each person, no matter how wealthy or how poor, no matter their education, no matter their race, no matter their creed. I also believe that the strength of our economy is inextricably tied to the strength of our democracy. When our democracy is strong, our economy is strong.

"When I was young our courts were the great equalizer. They made sure that everybody got a fair shot. Now our courts have become the tools of special interests and their efforts to obtain opportunities for themselves. Those special interests are now getting a free ride, and they are weakening our democracy to make sure their free ride continues. That has to stop."


Tim Burns is a partner at a law firm in Madison, WI. He is a former co-chair of the Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association.

A graduate of University of Missouri-Columbia Law School, Tim is licensed in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri. Tim's national practice focuses on making insurance companies live up to their obligations to their policyholders. Tim also serves on the national board of the American Constitution Society and he chairs the Fair and Impartial Courts Committee of the Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association.

Tim and his wife Pam, have chosen Middleton to raise their family. Married for over 20 years, they have three children.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 May 2017 16:02
Speaker Paul Ryan Returns To His District Only To Recieve An Award PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Friday, 28 April 2017 11:21

paul-ryanMADISON - After failing to pass a health care bill and avoiding speaking with his constituents all year, Speaker Paul Ryan will finally return to his district today to receive an award for his "Excellence in Leadership" at Celebrazione Italiana in Kenosha this evening. 

Since 1999, Speaker Ryan has only passed three bills that have become law where he was the lead sponsor, and this year, he's been the poster boy for Republican's legislative failures in 2017 - including an embarrassing failure to pass a Republican health care bill to replace the popular Affordable Care Act. 

Furthermore, the Speaker has drawn criticism from his own constituents for failing to hold a town hall in 2017. Speaker Paul Ryan has only hosted one town hall in 2017... on CNN, where his dance moves got more attention than anything else. During the last Congressional recess, Ryan failed to make a trip to visit his constituents in a town hall setting, declining invitations from local grassroots organizations. Ryan's ducking of his constituents led his hometown paper, the Janesville Gazette, to opine that the Speaker of the House was detached from his district.

"Speaker Paul Ryan's definition of leadership is trying to kick 24 million people off of their health care and give huge tax giveaways to the richest people in the country - all while avoiding his own constituents," Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesman Brandon Weathersby said on Friday. "Ryan wants all the prestige of someone who does the hard work on behalf of his constituents but doesn't want to get his hands dirty. The next piece of recognition he'll receive from the people of the First Congressional District is a pink slip in 2018."

Last Updated on Saturday, 29 April 2017 13:16
Illinois Multi-Millionaire Super PAC Launches False Attack Ads PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Friday, 28 April 2017 10:42

tammy_baldwinSuper PAC Attacks Get Pulled

MADISON -  Only days after a super PAC, funded by Illinois multi-millionaire, Richard Uihlein, launched a $650,000 radio ad buy, stations were compelled to pull the false attacks from the air because of the ad's unfounded lies.

"Wisconsinites are tired of the faceless political attacks filling the airwaves instead of candidates addressing the real issues facing our state. This grave issue was exploited by partisan political groups in the last election, and those same groups are trying to revive these kinds of attacks against Tammy. A shady, out-of-state super PAC will not be able to spread falsehoods and buy a seat in the Senate because the facts just aren't on their side: a Senate Select Committee on Ethics reviewed the complaints and concluded these attacks are not grounded in the truth." said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Brandon Weathersby.

At least two stations have already pulled the ad from circulation.

Last Updated on Monday, 01 May 2017 11:39
Wisconsin Republicans Limp Through Congressional Recess PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 16:04

mike-gallagherSome taking heat, others want to avoid speaking face-to-face to their constituents.

MADISON - Democrats are riding high off the energy of progressive grassroots activists getting more engaged on the ground and Sen. Tammy Baldwin successfully standing up to President Donald Trump and bending his will to supporting her "Buy America" legislation. The momentum follows incredible swings in special Congressional elections held in Kansas and Georgia this month. It also comes as Democrats finished criss-crossing the state speaking to their constituents at successful local town hall meetings. Republican members of Congress, on the other hand, are limping back to Washington after a disastrous Congressional recess. 

When meeting with constituents, Sen. Ron Johnson, Rep. Sean Duffy, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, and Rep. Glenn Grothman heard an earful from their constituents on everything from health care to immigration to the president's travel ban. Other Republicans, like Speaker Paul Ryan and Rep. Mike Gallagher, chose to avoid speaking face-to-face to their constituents altogether. 

Take a look at the coverage on their troubled two weeks out of Washington: 

Speaker Paul Ryan
Janesville Gazette: Our View: Detached from his district: "Paul Ryan, your constituents have waited long enough. It's time for a town hall, even if it's only the telephone kind. Something. Anything to show your constituents that you—not only your staff—are hearing their concerns. [...] Why are we so insistent about holding town halls? Because they're especially important during the transition from a Democratic to Republican presidency and the resultant policy upheaval. Voters in the 1st Congressional District deserve the opportunity to question their representative in a public setting to gauge his intentions. That you failed to hold a town hall before unveiling a monumental change in health care law was—to be blunt—galling." 

Representative Mike Gallagher
Wisconsin Freshman Congressman Says He's On A Reluctant Recess: "A Wisconsin freshman congressman has introduced a bill that would cut back on recesses for Congress. [...] Gallagher has no public listening sessions scheduled during the recess. Instead, he says he will meet with local businesses and employees."

Senator Ron Johnson
Madison students grill Sen. Ron Johnson: "Johnson struggled to answer questions relating to a number of key areas. When asked — as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was in her confirmation hearing — whether he believed in using standards of proficiency versus growth to measure student achievement, he — like DeVos — was unable to differentiate between the two. 'You’re getting into some pretty esoteric educational pedagogy,' he told the student who asked the question. 'I’m an accountant, a plastics manufacturer.'"

Isthmus cont'd: "Johnson also struggled to articulate clear views when a student asked if Johnson would vote to go to war with North Korea. 'I can’t answer the question,” Johnson said. “I don’t know the exact circumstances.'" 

Representative Sean Duffy
Barron County Democrats: VIDEO: Sean Duffy's Rice Lake Town Hall: "Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wausau) held a town hall in Rice Lake on Wednesday, April 19th. Despite less than 24 hours notice given to the public, the room was full of constituents who were eager to share their views on the direction of our country. He chose to double-down on his bizarre argument that any form of government assistance --including public schools and healthcare-- somehow robs us of our freedom as Americans. He also regaled us with tales of Donald Trump's work ethic and explained why Gerrymandering is good for us." 

Representative Glenn Grothman
WBAY: Environmental issues dominate town hall led by Rep. Glenn Grothman:
"The first question specifically asked about the management of the Great Lakes region.'So given the proposed cuts to EPA, what is your position on the Great Lakes Restoration project funding, and the proposed cuts to that?' asked a woman in the audience.Grothman responded saying, 'I don't blame the Appropriations Committee if they don't bring everything back up to the level it was before Donald Trump proposed these cuts, because we are broke out of our mind, but I'm confident that the program will not be gotten rid of, and I think I'm confident most of it will survive the budget process.'"

Representative Jim Sensenbrenner
Shareblue: GOP Rep defends Trump attack on internet privacy: “Nobody’s got to use the internet” (with video): "Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) offered a strangely antiquated defense of Donald Trump’s recent decision to roll back an Obama-era protection that stopped internet providers from selling information about their customer’s browsing habits. When a concerned voter at Sensenbrenner’s town hall asked about Trump’s assault on internet privacy, Sensenbrenner told her 'nobody’s got to use the internet.'"

The Courier: Sensenbrenner constituents concerned about health care: "Affording health care was still a pressing issue at Congressman’s Jim Sensenbrenner’s town hall meeting held at the Waterloo Municipal Building Tuesday morning, April 11. About 15 constituents were in attendance. Many voiced concerns about the increasing price of Medicaid and Medicare, the American Health Care Act (ACHA) and the rising cost of premiums.  The town hall meeting kicked off with a constituent asking, 'Is healthcare a right or a privilege?' 'A privilege,' Sensenbrenner said. Even with Medicare, Sensenbrenner explained, that people have paid into it their whole lives."

"With the growing unpopularity of President Trump's agenda, It's not a surprise that Wisconsin Republicans are having a hard time trying to defend, or avoiding talking about altogether, a President who in his first 100 days attempted to impose a Muslim Ban and kick 24 million Americans off of their health insurance," Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Brandon Weathersby on Monday. "While Republicans continue to sink under the proverbial albatross that is the extremity of the Trump agenda, Democrats are energized, organized, and in great shape heading into 2018."

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 April 2017 16:12
Trump Agrees With Baldwin On Another Major Policy Issue PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 14:55

MADISON - For the second week in a row, President Donald Trump agrees with Senator Tammy Baldwin on a major policy issue. 

Shot: For months, Senator Baldwin urged President Trump to support her "Buy America" legislation which would require American-made products to be used in certain water infrastructure projects. Last week, during an interview with WTMJ political reporter Charles Benson, Trump announced his support for the Senator's common-sense legislation

Chaser: Sen. Baldwin is a champion for Wisconsin dairy farmers and she knows just how crucial they are to our made-in-Wisconsin economy. Earlier this month, she visited Five Star Dairy, LLC in Elk Mound and discussed an issue she called "front and center" on her agenda which are concerns about unfair trade practices in Canada. Baldwin called for fair rules and a level playing field for Wisconsin dairy farmers. Today, in a tweet, President Trump once again agreed with Sen. Baldwin that something must be done to level the playing field for Wisconsin dairy farmers.


Last Updated on Thursday, 27 April 2017 15:05
National Energy Palpable Among Wisconsin Progressives PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 13:38

wisdems-groundgameRecord-breaking fundraising and grassroots activism in support of Senator Tammy Baldwin's re-election makes Democrats feel ready to Win in 2018.

MADISON - Joining a chorus of stories across the country, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel published a Sunday story highlighting activism across Wisconsin that has translated to a record-breaking fundraising and grassroots activism in support of Senator Tammy Baldwin's re-election campaign.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Democrats see new energy, challenges
By Jason Stein and Patrick Marley
April 22, 2017

tammy-baldwinMADISON – In the first three months of this year, Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin got money from twice as many new donors as she did in all of 2016 — more even than she did in her first full quarter as a Senate candidate in late 2011. She’s done it while decrying President Donald Trump and while meeting with new liberal groups that didn’t exist last fall when Democrats were dealt a bitter defeat by Trump and other Republicans.

Read more here.   This story adds to a clear trend in Wisconsin and nationally: Democrats are ready to win in 2018.   Read more about this nationwide movement that has found a stronghold in Wisconsin: Wisconsin State JournalNew faces fuel Wisconsin's 'resistance' movement, hope to achieve what past uprisings could not PoliticoRepublicans sound alarm on Trump's troubles ahead of 2018 Washington Post: Wisconsin Democratic senator echoes Trump’s economic message in her reelection bid PoliticoDems show surprising strength at start of brutal 2018 midterm The HillPicking 2018 candidates pits McConnell vs. GOP groups
RealClear PoliticsSlow Pace of 2018 Senate Bids a Growing GOP Concern

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 April 2017 13:48
April 24 Update From DPW Chair Martha Laning PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Martha Laning   
Monday, 24 April 2017 16:17

martha-laningResisting Trump in Kenosha, Tammy Baldwin's "Buy American" Legislation, Wisconsin Supreme Court kills reform on recusal rules, Tammy Duckworth to speak at State Convention, The State Budget, and more...

MADISON - Welcome to the latest installment of my chair update.

Resisting Donald Trump's Extreme Agenda in Kenosha

Thank you to everyone who organized and participated in the protests ahead of President Trump's visit in Kenosha last week. There was a huge turnout of grassroots activism and the energy at Sunnyside Park was unbelievable.  

Our collective voice was heard loud and clear. Check out some of the great news coverage from the protest:

WTMJ-TV: Demonstrators called the President the "Outsourcer in Chief" skeptical of Trump's Buy American Hire American Executive Order. "It's not going to do anything to protect American jobs and we know from the way Donald Trump does business that he doesn't care about American workers," said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now.

Fox6 Now: "I don't really understand this buy American, hire American. He spends lots of time investing in foreign companies. His hats are made in China. Most of his clothing line is made in other countries. The same countries he vilifies he uses for his business," Brian Eisold said. "We want good, living wage jobs with wages and benefits where people can come to work and support their family and work and retire and do so with dignity," a protester said.

WISN12 (via AP): The president's refusal to release his taxes was at the center of the protest, with Americans facing the deadline to file their own. "Release Your Tax Returns! What or Who Are You Hiding," read one sign. "Grab him by the 1040," read another, a reference to raunchy comments Trump made about women during a 2005 taping of "Access Hollywood.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin's "Buy American" Legislation Takes Center Stage

While Donald Trump touted a pair of toothless Executive Orders during his visit last week, Senator Tammy Baldwin challenged the President to put legislative muscle behind his "Buy American" promise and publically support her "Buy American" legislation in the Senate. 

Senator Baldwin has long been a champion of Buy America legislation. She passed a Buy America provision last year to the Water Reinvestment Act that would have required American iron and steel to rebuild the country's water infrastructure to be built with American iron and steel.

It was stripped from the final bill by Speaker Ryan and GOP leadership. Now, she's reintroduced the legislation as the Made in America Water Infrastructure Act at the legendary Neenah Foundry and highlighted how buying American would be a boon for Wisconsin companies like the Neenah Foundry and their workers who famously assist in the building of our water infrastructure.

Her pressure worked, and President Trump told WTMJ's Charles Benson that he supported her common-sense "Buy American" legislation. It's a step in the right direction of holding Donald Trump accountable for the promises he made on the campaign trail to American. Those promises must be kept by taking real action and demanding real results. We're lucky to have someone like Sen. Baldwin who has the courage to stand up to the President and demand he keep his promises to American workers. 

I spoke with Joy Cardin on Monday about Trump's visit and Baldwin's stellar "Buy American" legislation. Listen to the entire interview on

Conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court Kill Common-Sense Reform On Recusal Rules

Last week, the conservative majority on the Wisconsin State Supreme Court voted to kill a petition endorsed by 54 retired jurists to require judges and justices to recuse themselves when hearing cases involving groups or individuals who supported their campaign and helped get them on the bench.

The high court's decision lets the current rules stand which doesn't include a distinction for conflicts of interest to make it clear when judges cannot hear cases. The move to reject reform comes after years of large contributions from special interests groups flooding the high court and assisting mightily in crafting the current conservative majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

I am very disappointed by the court's unfair decision that protects the people who fill their campaign coffers and rejects the opportunity to clean up the court's ethical reputation.Their actions show that the five conservatives on the Supreme Court who voted against reforming recusal rules value their ties to wealthy special interests far more than preventing corruption and honoring the public's trust.

Senator Tammy Duckworth to Attend State Convention as a Special Guest Speaker

Last week, I was proud to announce Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois) as this year's state convention special guest speaker in Madison on June 2nd. 

Senator Tammy Duckworth’s strong economic record makes her a perfect fit for this year’s convention. The Illinois Senator won her 2016 election for Senate by promising to fight tooth-and-nail for American workers. Sen. Duckworth has kept that promise by urging President Trump to enforce trade laws that protect American steelworkers, pushing for policies to improve workforce development efforts and make higher education more affordable, as well as supporting major investments to rebuild our nation's infrastructure.

You won’t want to miss what she has to say. Register for the convention online at

We are also looking for volunteers to help us make this year's convention a success. Please consider giving your fellow Democrats a hand to make this year's convention one of the best ever. Sign up to volunteer:

State Budget Hearing Update
The Joint Committee on Finance is finishing up their traveling public hearings. On the road, the committee heard about many issues affecting Wisconsinites. Citizens have many concerns with the Governor Walker's Executive Budget, you can listen to some of their testimony on the Wisconsin Democrats YouTube channel.

Save the date for an additional Democratic budget listening session coming up in Wausau on April 29. More details are below.    Saturday, April 29th Marathon County Public Library, Wausau Community Room 2nd Floor  300 1st Street, Wausau
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM    Weekly Democratic Radio Address: Drain the Special Interest Swamp in Madison, Not Our Lakes, Rivers, and Streams Senator Janet Bewley (D-Ashland) offered the weekly Democratic radio address last week. 

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here: A written transcript of the address is below:    “Hello, this is State Senator Janet Bewley with the weekly Democratic Radio address. “Our memories can be short, but I’m guessing that most people haven’t forgotten our newly elected President’s pledge to drain the swamp of government corruption in Washington DC.  Many of the people who voted for him had high hopes that the tide had finally turned and that ordinary Americans would have a champion in the White House.  Even those of us who didn’t vote for him looked forward to the end of special interest giveaways. “It’s still too early to tell if that optimism was misplaced.  The outlook here in Wisconsin isn’t very good.  Just two weeks ago, the State Senate voted to give corporate farms unchecked access to your groundwater.  And it’s not just your groundwater, it’s your children’s and grandchildren’s as well.  The bill allows high capacity well permit holders to keep pumping out large volumes of water forever. “Instead of protecting your rights to safe drinking water or the public’s rights to enjoy our lakes and rivers, my republican colleagues sided with big business donors and insiders.  The facts are clear, these high capacity wells are causing nearby lakes and rivers to dry up.  How many of our friends and neighbor have to wake up to find nothing coming out of their tap before we do something? Earth Day, I’m asking my colleagues to make a similar pledge – let’s drain the special interest swamp in Madison, not our lakes, this Saturday’s“In honor of rivers and streams.  Let’s start putting people first, the special interests can take care of themselves. Debunking Myths About Raising The Wage
As Democrats, we believe anyone who is willing to work hard and play by the rules should have a fair shot at the American Dream. The fact is that no one who works full-time in America should have to raise their family in poverty, but wages and incomes haven’t kept pace with the rising costs for working families. 

Raising the minimum wage would give 28 million workers across the country a raise, and lift nearly a million people out of poverty. These workers aren’t just teenagers at their first job—nearly two-thirds of workers who earn the minimum wage are women, and the average age of workers who would benefit is 35 years old.   Raising the minimum wage helps more than just the wage earner – it helps every taxpayer in the state. Across the country, state and federal governments spend over $150 billion helping workers who earn substandard wages at places like Wal-Mart. By raising the minimum wage, we could stop subsidizing greedy companies and instead invest in schools, roads, and critical safety services. 
In Seattle, they gave workers a raise and despite the fear-mongering from their critics, the unemployment rate in Seattle is at a near-record low of 2.9 percent. Read more from SEIU 775 President, David Rolf, about how raising the minimum wage has helped both workers and the city of Seattle.
Get Your Tickets For The 2017 Founder's Day Gala Featuring Congressman Keith Ellison

If you haven't purchased your ticket to hear Congressman Keith Ellison at this year's Founders Day Gala in Milwaukee on May 6th, now is the time to do so. By joining us for the evening, you not only have a great night with other Democrats, but you support the work our team is doing to build our grassroots efforts around the state. Tickets are going fast, so get yours before they sell out! As always, we have a great event planned so we hope you can make it.

Things You May Have Missed But Need To See Now

Donald Trump in Wisconsin: I support Tammy Baldwin 'Buy America' bill
Baldwin’s bill would require only U.S.-made iron or steel be used in projects funded by a federal program that gives low-interest loans for water infrastructure projects.

Sen. Baldwin: A Rare Day
It’s not too often that President Trump fully agrees with me on something, so it was a rare day this week when he came out in support of my Buy America legislation. In fact, he said he agreed with my bill 100%.

Dairy Experts: Trump's Promised Trade Changes May Not Come Soon Enough
President Donald Trump has promised action on Canadian dairy policies he says are unfair to Wisconsin farmers. But as Trump talks about renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement, some policy analysts aren’t expecting immediate improvements to dairy exports.

Donald Trump gets his 100-day report card
As Donald Trump nears the 100-day mark in the White House, voters are grading his performance on a partisan curve.

Ryan: GOP putting 'finishing touches' on healthcare bill
"We’re in the midst of negotiating sort of finishing touches, because our members want to make sure that we lower premiums,” Ryan said Wednesday during a question-and-answer session during a trip to London.

Paul Ryan’s image worsens after healthcare flop
Amid the collapse of the Affordable Care Act repeal in the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan's image is taking a hit -- 39% of Americans have a favorable opinion of the House speaker, down nine percentage points from November.

Trump probably won’t defy midterm gravity
The midterms will probably be rough for Donald Trump and Republicans next year.

‘Pivotal Moment’ for Democrats? Gerrymandering Heads to Supreme Court
"Now the Wisconsin case is headed to a Supreme Court that has repeatedly said that extreme partisan gerrymanders are unconstitutional, but has never found a way to decide which ones cross the line."

Wisconsin lawmakers clash over proposal to block state health plans from covering abortions
Supporters say the legislation is one more step to prevent taxpayer money from directly or indirectly funding abortions, while opponents argue it is an overreach that would interfere with women's access to reproductive health care.

Editing the Constitution: Wisconsin conservatives are pushing for a constitutional convention. What are their motives?
A narrow band of special interests could soon succeed in forcing a constitutional convention where more than 200 years of legal precedent that has formed the definition of civil rights in America could be under review by delegates selected by state lawmakers.

Bill could help residents pay for lead pipe removal
With thousands of water service lines containing toxic lead still in Racine’s infrastructure, a bill in the state Legislature could make it easier for residents to remove lead pipes.

County Conservationists Ask Joint Finance Committee To Restore Their Funding
Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposal provides $8 million for the state's 72 county conservation offices. That's around 14 percent less than before he took office. Pepin County Conservationist Chase Cummings said they need more support in working with farmers to reduce runoff.

Our Views: Detached from his district
Paul Ryan, your constituents have waited long enough. It's time for a town hall, even if it's only the telephone kind. Something. Anything to show your constituents that you—not only your staff—are hearing their concerns.

Editorial: Rural county that favored Trump and Walker demands end to gerrymandering of voting districts
Another county — this one in rural northern Wisconsin — is taking a stand against the Legislature’s rigged process for drawing legislative and congressional districts.

Rejecting the Republican War on local democracy
The Republican war on local democracy is a top-down effort to prevent Americans from voting where they live to protect the environment, preserve their communities, promote public safety, respect civil liberties, organize fair elections, raise wages, guarantee family and medical leave for workers, and welcome immigrants.

Rep. Considine Column: Show your support for the environment this Earth Day
Did you know Wisconsin is responsible for the founding of Earth Day? In 1969, Governor Gaylord Nelson proposed a day when citizens across the nation would hold simultaneous “teach-ins” to educate each other and raise awareness of environmental issues. His vision spread, and on April 22, 1970, about 20 million Americans participated in the first official Earth Day.

Sen. Miller Column: Waters of Wisconsin and High Capacity Wells
The waters of Wisconsin belong to the people of Wisconsin. This provision is enshrined in our state constitution as a Public Trust. Wisconsin’s Republican-controlled State Senate recently passed a bill, Senate Bill 76, privatizing Wisconsin waters for the benefit of high-capacity well owners. SB76 gives high-capacity well owners permanent rights to withdraw water regardless of the impact on other water users. In spite of court decisions that require the DNR to manage the waters of Wisconsin for the mutual benefit of all users in accordance with the state constitution, DNR Secretary Stepp chooses not to do so.

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