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Falk Endorses Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Burns for Wisconsin, Amanda Brink   
Saturday, 07 October 2017 15:28

tim-burnsMADISON - Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk has endorsed Tim Burns for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Burns is running for the seat now held by Justice Michael Gableman, who has announced his retirement from the court. The non-partisan election will be held in the spring of 2018.

kathleen_falkThe following is a statement from Kathleen Falk:

"As an attorney who argued cases before the Wisconsin Supreme Court, I know firsthand the Court’s far reaching influence. From free speech to our right to privacy to protecting natural resources, the Wisconsin Supreme Court hears and decides the most important legal issues. Tim Burns has the backbone, the integrity, and the courage a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice must have. He will be a strong addition to our Court."


Tim Burns is a partner at a law firm in Madison, WI. He is a former co-chair of the Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association.

A graduate of University of Missouri-Columbia Law School, Tim is licensed in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri. Tim's national practice focuses on making insurance companies live up to their obligations to their policyholders.

Tim also serves on the national board of the American Constitution Society and he chairs the Fair and Impartial Courts Committee of the Civil Rights and Social Justice Section of the American Bar Association.

Tim and his wife Pam, have chosen Middleton to raise their family. Married for over 20 years, they have three children.

Vukmir Says Ending Protections For Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions Is Good PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Saturday, 07 October 2017 09:33

graham-johnson-cassidyGraham-Cassidy Would End Protections For Wisconsinites With Pre-Existing Conditions, Make Millions More Uninsured

MADISON - At a Tuesday campaign event in Appleton, right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir expressed supreme regret that Donald Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan were unable to pass the dangerous so-called "Graham-Cassidy" TrumpCare bill that would take healthcare access away from millions of Wisconsinites while putting every single woman, man, and child with a pre-existing condition at risk of being discriminated against by insurers.

"It's unconscionable that Vukmir and her GOP primary opponent, Kevin Nicholson, continue to stand by TrumpCare plans that would, at worst, take care away from 30 million Americans, and, at best, strip millions of their healthcare access, while throwing people with pre-existing conditions under the bus," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Vukmir's continued claim that ending anti-discrimination protections for Wisconsinites with pre-existing health conditions is somehow good for families, is just the latest proof that her far-right and pro-corporate special interest agenda is completely out-of-step with Wisconsin's working families' best interests."




QUESTIONER: "What are you going to do for the family, okay? Because basically we’ve transversed into a party that basically is the family now, and basically is more of a working class people than anybody..." 


VUKMIR: "I'm disappointed that the Graham-Cassidy didn't go through. I'm disappointed -- as we talk about families -- I'm disappointed that the Graham-Cassidy bill didn't go through."

Kochs, Billionaire Special Interests To Boost Nicholson, Vukmir PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum   
Saturday, 07 October 2017 09:21

kevin-nicholson"Billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson and right-wing extremist Leah Vukmir need to tell the people of Wisconsin why they support Trump and Paul Ryan gifting 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%"

leah-vukmirMADISON - Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning issued the following statement on Americans for Prosperity, a front-group bankrolled by out-of-state billionaire brothers and GOP megadonors Charles and David Koch, launching a new, misleading attack ad against Tammy Baldwin -- all because she refuses to support Donald Trump and Paul Ryan's big tax-cut giveaway for the wealthy few:

"Out-of-state billionaires are attacking Tammy Baldwin on Wisconsin airwaves because they know she won't support a tax giveaway for CEOs and the super-rich paid for by hardworking Wisconsinites. Billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson and right-wing extremist Leah Vukmir need to tell the people of Wisconsin why they support Trump and Paul Ryan gifting 80% of tax cuts to the top 1% over the next decade while one in four middle class families pay more."

Last Updated on Saturday, 07 October 2017 09:31
McCabe Campaign Releases Debut Video PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:27

mike-mccabeMADISON - 1,641 miles. This campaign has gone from Curtiss to Wausau to Green Bay to Milwaukee to La Crosse - with many stops in between. Each mile over the first two-weeks of the kick-off tour showcased Wisconsin's beauty as well as its current challenges.

Our debut campaign video captures the energy of day one on the farm. It gets to the heart of why Mike is running. It offers a glimpse of Mike's vision for a more just and equitable future for Wisconsin.


For a Link to the video click here or view below.

For more information visit the campaign website:

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:35
Gubernatorial Candidate Mike McCabe to Hold Milwaukee Town Hall PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:04

mccabe-govPolitical Activist and Gubernatorial Candidate Mike McCabe is holding a Q&A Town Hall on Milwaukee's North Side at the African-American Women's Center Thursday night, October 5th.

MILWAUKEE - Mike McCabe's Principle over Party campaign continues to make its way around the state. Thursday night's Town Hall at Milwaukee's African-American Women's Center (3020 W Vliet St, Milwaukee, WI) is the latest stop. The Town Hall style event on October 5th, will begin at 6pm with a short speech from the candidate. The majority of the evening will be questions from the floor. The event is free to attend and all are welcome.

mike-mccabeMike's goal is to inspire and engage people from all over the state to get back into the driver's seat. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Mike's message continues to explain and educate why this campaign must be People Powered and Crowd Funded if it is to succeed.

“If money decides the election, the people will continue to be stuck with elected representatives who scratch the backs of those who scratched theirs, and our government will continue to be controlled by the wealthy and well-connected. Breaking free of this trap involves risk. It requires faith and the courage of conviction,” he said. “Political insiders will call this unilateral disarmament. No, it’s acting on principle. The insiders say you have to spend four or five hours a day begging rich people for money if you want to be taken seriously. That’s exactly what has gotten us into the mess we’re in.”

McCabe continues, "If money is allowed to rule our elections and our political system, some candidate will win, but the People of Wisconsin will lose."

In 1995 McCabe was a founding member of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan watchdog group that specializes in tracking the money in state elections and works to make people matter more than money in politics. He led the group for 15 years as its director and during that time exposed money’s influence and called out wrongdoing by state officials, earning a reputation as a leading government whistle blower and one of the nation’s best political money trackers.

Before the Democracy Campaign came along, the only way to see who was donating to elected officials and candidates for office was to travel to the old state Elections Board office in Madison and personally examine mountains of paper reports. The Democracy Campaign entered all of the information on those reports into an electronic database and published it online, making it vastly easier to follow the money in Wisconsin politics. For its efforts under Mike’s leadership, the Democracy Campaign was named the Citizen Openness Advocate of the Year in 2012 by the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council and the state chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

For more information on the campaign visit:

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 October 2017 10:15
Statement on the passing of Rep. Bob Gannon PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Jessica Ward   
Wednesday, 04 October 2017 10:48

bob-gannonMADISON, Wis. — Senate Assistant Majority Leader Leah Vukmir, R–Brookfield, issued the following statement Wednesday upon hearing the news of the death of state Rep. Bob Gannon, R–West Bend:

leah-vukmir“My heart aches upon hearing the news of the death of my friend and colleague, Bob Gannon. Our state suffers a great loss with his passing.

“Bob was a fierce and passionate voice in the state Legislature, fighting boldly to make Wisconsin a better and safer state. It was a privilege and joy to serve with him in the Capitol. He was always ready to brighten up a room with his sharp wit and humor. He will be missed.

“My prayers go out for Bob’s wife, kids, family, friends and constituents during this very sad time.”

On Partisan Gerrymandering, Leah Vukmir Is Part Of The Problem PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 03 October 2017 17:30

leah-vukmir"So glad we are in control!" --Vukmir in 2011

MADISON -- With the U.S. Supreme Court today hearing oral arguments in Gill v. Whitford, a challenge to Wisconsin Republicans' efforts to undemocratically lock down control of the state using partisan gerrymandering, it's as good a time as ever to remember state Senator-turned-Senate candidate Leah Vukmir's leading role in Wisconsin's gerrymandering -- a role that included Vukmir sending a series of gleeful emails in which she actually celebrated taking power away from voters.

From 2012:

Wisconsin's Republican legislative leaders have said the voting district maps they drew last year were not aimed at political advantage, but new documents made public Tuesday show they discussed ways to increase the number of "safe" and "leaning" GOP districts and to protect conservative incumbents.

In one email, state Sen. Leah Vukmir, R-Wauwatosa, offered these thoughts about redrawing her district: "Western Wauwatosa — yes (more GOP)," "West Milwaukee — No (forgot to mention this part of current district — VERY Dem" and "Milwaukee — cop wards if needed."

She also wrote in the May 4, 2011, message to Tad Ottman, an aide to then-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, "This is such a big task. So glad we are in control!"

Vukmir was "glad" to influence the redrawing of her district however she wanted -- all so she could keep her power without having to make a compelling case for reelection to her constituents.

"Leah Vukmir embodies everything that is wrong with self-interested politicians who are so afraid of facing their constituents in fair districts that they eagerly carve out 'safe' seats with no real accountability to the people," said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Brad Bainum. "Undemocratic and cynical? Sure. But that's how you stay in power if you're ALEC board member Leah Vukmir, who's made a career of championing far-right policies and serving corporate special interests and CEOs, all while selling out Wisconsin's working families."

Read more from the Wisconsin State Journal.

Updates from League of Women Voters Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   
Sunday, 01 October 2017 21:32

VoterMADISON - The state office staff had a busy week. Here is a summary of the highlights.

National Voter Registration Day was Tuesday, September 26. More than a dozen local Leagues and many League members participated. We had wonderful local print and broadcast new coverage. Here is one example from Appleton. Thanks to all of our Leagues and members who participated Tuesday, as well as those who are scheduling additional registration events this fall.

On Wednesday, Andrea Kaminski and Carolyn Castore were honored by Community Shares of Wisconsin for their long-term dedication and work with the League. Andrea received the Linda Sundberg Civil Rights Defender Award for her years of championing voting rights as our executive director, as well as for enhancing the capacity and strength of our organization. Carolyn Castore, a long-time member of LWV Milwaukee County before moving out-of-state, received a Backyard Hero Award for creating and organizing our now statewide Election Observation program. We are so grateful for both Andrea and Carolyn’s work. If you're on Facebook, click here to see Andrea accept her award and hear her inspiring speech which resonates with all of us to bond together to make positive changes in our communities.

Next week Tuesday, October 3, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Gill v. Whitford partisan gerrymandering case from Wisconsin. Locally, you can support the plaintiffs in the case with a send-off rally on Sunday, October 1 in Milwaukee.  More information on that event here.  LWV US also will be holding a rally in Washington DC the morning of October 3. Both LWVUS and LWVWI filed amicus briefs in support of the plaintiffs.  

Andrea Kaminski’s Op-Ed this week outlines reasons why the U.S. Supreme Court should put an end to partisan gerrymandering, a position LWV has long held. Elections should be won, not rigged.

Debra Cronmiller, LWV WI President, is returning from Washington, D.C. after a 2-day meeting of the LWV US Steering Committee for the “League Transformation” which will guide the League at every level into its second century. She will update Leagues in Wisconsin about the meeting and progress of the organizational transformation at this year’s Issues Briefing in Madison on October 28.

Speaking of Issues Briefing, have you registered yet? You can register online now through October 19. More information can be found online or in the upcoming edition of the Forward newsletter which you should receive in the next week. Check out the knowledgeable speakers and great topics in this year’s agenda. 

Finally, our online contribution form is repaired. Thanks to the members who let us know that it was down following a recent web hosting transition. You can once again make a secure contribution to LWV WI via our website. Your contributions support all the work that we have been able to accomplish this week and our ability to continually assist local Leagues in their direct action within their communities. Please consider giving today.

Walker Pence Wisconsin Visit to Promote Tax Giveaways to the Top 1% PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin   
Friday, 29 September 2017 09:35

mike-penceWisconsin deserves to hear the facts about the latest GOP tax plan that has more tax cuts for the rich while increasing rates on low-income Americans.

MADISON - Republican Gov. Scott Walker joined Vice President Mike Pence Thursday for a photo op designed to distract from who their new national tax plan really helps. However, their staged optics are not fooling the people of Wisconsin or Indiana. We have experienced the GOP record pushing 'reform' plans that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy and giant corporations.

martha-laningIn response, Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Martha Laning released this statement:

"As governors, Mike Pence and Scott Walker share a record of touting so-called reforms that actually lavish tax breaks overwhelmingly on the wealthy. Today Gov. Walker will help Vice President Pence peddle a national tax cut for the rich and big corporations that was crafted by former Wall Street insiders. In contrast, Democrats across our state will continue to fight for jobs, health care and an economy focused on the needs of Wisconsin's middle-class families."

Last Updated on Friday, 29 September 2017 10:26
McCabe Won’t Accept Full Salary of Governor Once Elected PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Tuesday, 26 September 2017 18:17

mike-mccabeGovernors Should be Servants, Not Masters, according to Wisconsin governor candidate Mike McCabe.

LA CROSSE, WI - Wisconsin governor candidate Mike McCabe announced Monday at a rally in La Crosse that if elected he will insist on an annual salary that is one dollar less than the average Wisconsin worker makes in a year.

The current salary of the governor is $147,328 a year. According to the most recent figures available from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average wage in Wisconsin is in the neighborhood of $45,000 annually, or less than a third of the governor’s salary.

McCabe previously announced he will not live in the Governor’s Mansion if elected.

“Governors should be servants, not masters. That’s why I won’t live in the mansion once elected and won’t accept the full salary of the governor. I’ll be paid one dollar less than the average Wisconsin worker makes,” he said.

If state law or administrative procedures prevent the salary of the governor from being adjusted to reflect his commitment, McCabe will either return the excess amount of salary to the state treasury or donate it to charity.

The campaign website is

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