Wednesday February 12, 2025

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Gov. Evers: Celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 09 May 2024 11:51

teaching-studentsMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today released his weekly radio address celebrating National Teacher Appreciation Week. In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, Gov. Evers shared a video message, which is available here, and proclaimed May 6 through May 10, 2024, as Teacher Appreciation Week in the state of Wisconsin. A copy of Gov. Evers’ Teacher Appreciation Week proclamation is available here.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 May 2024 16:59
Battleground Wisconsin: Organizing people, the only solution PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 03 May 2024 11:05

organizing-people-2024MILWAUKEE - In Mt. Horeb this week guns, death, and middle school kids in lockdown. We reflect.

We recap Tuesday’s 40th Anniversary event in Eau Claire. Thanks to everyone who attended one of the 5 celebrations of our proud history. As always, we are inspired by our members around Wisconsin and their commitment to building a just multiracial democracy. Please consider joining Citizen Action Today! You are needed.

We update state legislative candidate announcements and remind you to reach out to people you think should run.

We dissect the systemic implications of Marshfield Medical Center in Rice Lake, which paused its labor and delivery services this week. In other hospital monopoly news, Bellin and Gundersen Healthcare merge into the soulless profit seeking Emplify Health, further disconnecting it from its primary mission of meeting community healthcare needs.

A Dane County court overturns the PSC decision that allowed people to lease their solar energy system. Will the big fossil fuel utilities be permitted to block the renewable energy revolution?

We praise the organizing by voting rights advocates who continue their push for removing fraudulent fake elector Bob Spindell from Wisconsin’s elections commission.

We take a deeper dive into the Gaza Protests that hit the UW system and campuses across the country. What do they reveal about the power of organizing and the reality of who runs the modern UW System and other major American universities?

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Stubbs Applauds Grand Opening of New Centro Hispano Building PDF Print E-mail
Written by Shelia Stubbs Press   
Friday, 26 April 2024 14:14

mdsn-centro-hispano-bldgMADISON, WI – After attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Centro Hispano building in South Madison, Representative Shelia Stubbs (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“Generational Opportunity for Change” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 26 April 2024 07:56

gen-change-2024MILWAUKEE - We preview the final 40th Anniversary event next Tuesday, April 30th, 6pm, in Eau Claire. Robert reminds connects are 40th birthday to the abuses of the large hospital monopolies who recently ripped a huge hole in the health care safety net in their craven pursuit of profit. We talk about the new report showing among the fastest rising in the nation rents in Wisconsin and Milwaukee. We look at the racist plan to “wreak havoc” on voting rights group Souls to the Polls by the new executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party.

Wisconsin’s sleepy environmental regulators abandon rules on nitrates pollution and a Republican state legislator on the powerful Joint Finance Committee anonymously blocks opioid treatment money. What does this say about the anti-democracy state Legislature’s failure to lead on these and other critical issues. We continue to encourage progressive candidates to see the generational opportunity the fairer maps provide the progressive movement.

Trump is headed back to Wisconsin next week between trial dates as the Arizona AG indicts Trump’s fake electors and Trump campaign co-conspirators. That is now 4 states who have taken action, why is Wisconsin letting the election subverters get off scott free?.

Robert and Matt have a bull session on the Chicago Bears’ unveiling of a $4.2 billion public shakedown on top of White Sox demand for $2 billion. What Wisconsin can teach Illinois about subsidizing billionaires?

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Gov. Evers: Celebrating Earth Day, Wisconsin’s Trillion Trees Pledge Goal PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 25 April 2024 10:26

trees-waupun-maple-forestMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address celebrating Earth Day and Earth Week and highlighting his announcement that the state has increased its Trillion Trees Pledge planting goal from planting 75 million trees by the end of 2030 to planting 100 million trees by the end of 2030.

This week, Gov. Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also released the Wisconsin Trillion Trees Pledge 2023 Annual Report, which shows Wisconsin has planted more than 32 million trees since Gov. Evers signed Executive Order #112 in 2021 committing Wisconsin to the Trillion Trees Pledge, bringing the state more than 40 percent towards its goal just three years into the pledge. More information regarding the governor’s Trillion Trees Pledge Earth Day announcement is available here.

Audio File of Radio Address.

Last Updated on Friday, 26 April 2024 10:41
“Staring at our electoral future” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 19 April 2024 08:31

sharing-2024MILWAUKEE - In a potential preview of November, MAGAite Steven Campbell refuses to step down following losing his Green Bay City Council election, even after losing the recount he paid for. Trump has been encouraging his acolytes to seek fraud claims everywhere, laying the groundwork for his future claims of a stolen election in the fall.

We talk about the decision of Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley to step down, setting up another epic Supreme Court election next April that will determine the balance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the future of abortion rights and democracy in the Badger State. Also as nomination papers drop, we urge movement progressives to run in state legislative races.

Meanwhile, the bitter fruits of right-rule continued in Wisconsin. We discuss the staggering implications of a new report revealing that nearly 40% of Wisconsin teachers left the profession after 6 years, a direct result of Act 10 and the GOP assault on public education. Meanwhile on the energy front, renewable energy laggard We Energies proposes another outrageous 15% rate hike as Southeast Wisconsin residents protest the increase.

Finally a new MU Law Poll has U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin over 50% and leading Eric Hovde.

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Last Updated on Saturday, 20 April 2024 08:41
Gov. Evers: Historic Legislation to Support and Expand Wisconsin’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 18 April 2024 12:09

ev-charging-stationMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting the historic legislation he signed into law last month, Senate Bill 791 and Senate Bill 792, now 2023 Wisconsin Acts 121 and 122, respectively, enabling the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to receive and administer more than $78 million in federal funds under President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to bolster the state’s electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. More information about the two bills the governor signed is available here.

Last Updated on Friday, 19 April 2024 10:18
Battleground WI: Workers, unions, and the public interest PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 12 April 2024 08:45

workers-unions-2024MILWAUKEE - We discuss the Wisconsin Voters approval of 60% of Spring 2024 Election school referendums and the analysis done by the Wisconsin Policy Forum of referendum performance over the last couple of decades. Robert reviews the latest MAGA efforts to recall Robin Vos and its implications for the Republican Party and the institutions that support it. We talk about the Arizona Supreme Court’s stunning abortion decision. What are the implications for healthcare and Trump’s and Hovde’s abortion election season tap dance? Inflation is higher than expected, what does it mean for the economy and election?

We welcome Laura Dresser, Associate Director, of the High Road Strategy Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Peter Rickman, president, Milwaukee Area Service and Hospitality Workers Union to discuss the finding and key policy and organizing implications of a new High Road Center report, “From Community Benefits, to Collective Bargaining, and Back.”

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Governor Shouldn’t Have to Tell Republicans to Do Their Jobs PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 10 April 2024 10:41

chippewa-valley-hshsSen. Smith and Rep. Emerson Support Governor’s call for a special meeting of the Joint Finance Committee to take action on HSHS funding and PFAS Pollution.

Spring Election, Sarah Godlewski, free home weatherizations, and flowers PDF Print E-mail
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky   
Friday, 05 April 2024 08:48

spring-elections-2024MILWAUKEE - We debrief this week’s Spring General Election. We look at the implications of the high ‘Uninstructed Vote” in the Democratic Presidential primary. Will it put additional pressure on President Biden to change course on the unfolding humanitarian travesty in Gaza? We also dig into the central role that strong voter support for public education played in local elections throughout the state, local election success stories and disappointments. With the Spring Elections now behind us, we turn to the critical task of recruiting progressive candidates for state legislative elections.

We remind our listeners that our 40th Anniversary event in Wausau is next Thursday, April 11th, 5:30pm and encourage listeners to join Robert and Matt in celebrating 40 years of powerful organizing.

We welcome Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski to discuss the continued attacks on her office and the structures that support our democracy. Secretary of State Godlewski also talks about the importance of public education and why she barnstormed the state supporting many of the 90 public school referendums on the ballot this Spring.

Citizen Action Climate Coordinator Kat Klawes joins us to discuss an opportunity for our listeners to take action in support of a FREE weatherization program being considered by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission to implement important climate components of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act passed by Democrats in Congress in 2022.

Sign petition in support of FREE weatherization of Wisconsin homes.

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