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Jeff Smith: Disappointment and Opportunity PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 09:10

congress-unproductiveAlthough the Wisconsin Supreme Court decision to lift the Safer at Home Order was disappointing, we have an opportunity to make Wisconsin stronger while we continue to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 10:23
Gruszynski’s Statement on Brown County Lifting Safer at Home Order PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Ryan Neigbauer   
Saturday, 16 May 2020 16:10

covid-19-workersBrown County Public Health decision further highlights the need for the State Legislature to act and to put into place a common sense solution for dealing with this pandemic.

MADISON – Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) released the following statement after Brown County lifted its Safer at Home order, which was originally scheduled to be lifted May 20th:

staush-gruszynski“This decision from Brown County Public Health further highlights the need for the State Legislature to act and to put into place a common sense solution for dealing with this pandemic while safety reopening our economy. Wisconsin has yet to meet all the gating criteria set forth by the Governor and White House, we must work to come up with a plan to safely open Wisconsin. Local health departments can't be left to fight this pandemic themselves, and citizens deserve more than a piecemeal approach across Wisconsin. Combating COVID-19 requires a united approach from the State Legislature and Governor's office.”

Wis Democracy Campaign - Supreme Corruption PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 15 May 2020 15:43

rebecca-bradley-walkerMADISON - After the outrageous decision by the right wing majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to lift “Safer at Home,” we noted that there still is another case before the Court on this same issue. And guess what? The lead plaintiff is a major GOP donor, and he maxxed out to Justice Rebecca Bradley, as we explain here:

Conservative Justice Got $20K Contribution from Individual in Second Stay-at-Home Suit

We were also so disgusted by Chief Justice Roggensack’s “regular people” comment about the meatpackers in Green Bay that we checked out her statement of economic interest to see “regular” she was. Here’s what we found:

Roggensack Has at Least $295K+ in Investments

By the way, if you want to see financial relationships and how wealthy some of our other state elected officials are, just click here:

Statements of Economic Interests

Our Data Analyst, David Julseth, just posted statements of economic interests filed with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission as of May 2020. These statements cover calendar year 2019. This is the only place that the public can view them without first submitting a request form to do so!

matt-rothschildI hope you find these postings useful.

And I’d love to hear from you, so please email me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if you’d like.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. If you like the work we’re doing, please make a tax-deductible gift today to the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. We’d really appreciate it. Just click here. Thanks!

Gruszynski Applauds Brown County Executive's Safer at Home Order PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Ryan Neigbauer   
Thursday, 14 May 2020 15:30

troy-streckenbach-bcSupreme Court ruling is going to cost lives in Green Bay, says State Representative. Troy Streckenbach's quick action to place a temporary Safer at Home order here helps combat the reckless and irresponsible decision by four conservative justices.

Last Updated on Thursday, 14 May 2020 16:13
Hansen Says Supreme Court Put Profits Over People PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30   
Thursday, 14 May 2020 14:01

covid-19-workers-meatpackingWednesday's decision comes as no surprise, says Green Bay Senator. Justices put the bidding of their corporate benefactors over workers' lives.

Gruszynski Comments on Supreme Court Decision PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Ryan Neigbauer   
Thursday, 14 May 2020 13:41

patience-roggensackState Representative from Green Bay area says Wednesday's Supreme Court decision on 'Safer at Home' only adds to confusion.

MADISON – Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) released the following statement after the Supreme Court announced its decision to strike down Governor Evers’ Safer at Home Order:

staush-gruszynski“In times like these, the people of Wisconsin need clear and concise leadership. Today’s disappointing court decision not only adds uncertainty but also goes against decades of legislative authority granted to Wisconsin’s Chief Health Official. Public health decisions should be made by public health experts and not by politicians. Previous legislatures approved laws for these moments recognizing it is necessary for the governor to be able protect the health of Wisconsin.”

Bewley on Supreme Court Decision PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Thursday, 14 May 2020 09:58

rebecca-bradleyDon’t be coaxed into a false sense of security by the Supreme Court’s misguided action, says Senate Democratic Leader.

MADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Janet Bewley (D-Mason) released the following statement after the Supreme Court announced its decision to strike down Governor Evers’ Safer at Home order:

janet-bewley“In times of confusion and fear, the people of Wisconsin need clear and consistent leadership. The court's decision today only adds to that uncertainty. The Executive Branch is the appropriate place for authority during a pandemic, when decisions about health and the economic well-being of the state are paramount. At a time when leadership is needed most, Wisconsin families are left with political games. Please don’t be coaxed into a false sense of security by the Supreme Court’s misguided action. Wisconsinites are resilient and when we work together to stay safer-at-home we can slow the spread and protect our most vulnerable loved ones.”

Last Updated on Friday, 15 May 2020 10:09
Jeff Smith: The Importance of Being Prepared PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 13 May 2020 09:26

mandela-barnes-cctfElected leaders have a responsibility to invest in safety nets to protect citizens when disaster strikes. Being prepared by properly investing in our future will ensure we’re successful for years to come.

Bewley Statement on Turning the Dial PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Monday, 11 May 2020 11:02

businesses-microNew Senate Democratic leader likes limited reopening.

MADISON – Senate Democratic Leader Janet Bewley (D-Mason) released the following statement regarding Governor Evers’ actions turning the dial to responsibly further reopen Wisconsin businesses:

janet-bewley“I appreciate Governor Evers’ and DHS Secretary Palm’s steady, pragmatic leadership throughout this public health crisis. With the assistance of public health officials at DHS and economic development partners at WEDC, we can begin to the turn the dial to safely reopen our economy. This has been a difficult time for many families across Wisconsin. As a state we are all in this together and by continuing to practice safety measures and social distancing we can limit the spread of COVID-19.”

Appleton GOP Press Conference on “Re-opening” Dangerous and Tone Deaf says Hansen PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Hansen, State Senator Dist 30   
Friday, 08 May 2020 17:08

jim-steineke-appleton-wbaySenator says area Republicans don’t seem to care that the majority of people in this state do not want to re-open now, nor do they care about the predicament the workers are in. They just seem so eager and willing to risk the lives of others.

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