Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 25 October 2024 09:01 |
MILWAUKEE - Early voting is now underway, as Trump/Vance and Harris/Walz crisscross the battleground states, including Wisconsin. The first day of early voting saw record turnout of over 100,000 voters this Tuesday. We encourage our listeners to volunteer in Citizen Action’s final voter contact activities on phones and doors talking directly to targeted voters we need to win.
In spite of 2 historic hurricanes and warming temperatures, Climate change as an issue is the worst casualty of the 2024 election season. We discuss why and its impact.
The second most ignored issue in the 2024 election is the current hospital and health system crisis hitting our communities. We discuss how the hospital closure crisis is hitting the Madison area as another health system merger is announced with Marshfield Clinic Health System & Sanford Health combining.
We close by welcoming Milwaukee Area Technical College educator Luz Sosa to discuss the discrimination Latinos are experiencing at MATC and how it connects to Act 10 and not properly funding public education in Wisconsin.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 24 October 2024 16:48 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address encouraging Wisconsinites to make a plan to vote. Election Day is November 5, but early, in-person voting—otherwise known as in-person absentee voting—began this week across Wisconsin. Wisconsinites can vote early at their municipal clerk’s office or another site designated by their municipal clerk. Dates and hours vary by municipality, so Wisconsinites should visit for more information about local voting locations and what’s on their ballot.
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 11 October 2024 10:34 |
MILWAUKEE - We discuss another climate charged hurricane hitting Florida. We question whether this epic month of hurricanes will lead to a climate reckoning in America, as climate change conspiracy theories and their politicians seem to be successfully altering the debate by shifting attention from systemic causes to convenient scapegoats that play well on social media and play into established conspiracy theories and MAGA ideology. We reflect on how this directly impacts everyone in Wisconsin.
Robert tells more about the details and significance of Kamala Harris’ new Medicare plan to provide long-term care in the home, plus vision and dental coverage. What else should she do to capitalize on the public’s desire for accessible and affordable care – whether that is health care, home care , or child care.
We debrief last week’s We Energies PSC public hearings where Citizen Action members testified against outrageous rate increases and supported ZERO rate increases until there is a 2% of income rate cap for utilities. Wausau mayor Diny goes national for his removal of voter drop boxes, as the public descended upon this week’s city council meeting protesting the drop box removal.
Billionaire Elon Musk drops millions into trashy ads for Trump in Wisconsin. Fight back, talk to voters with Citizen Action every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm and knock doors with us. RSVP.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 10 October 2024 14:45 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address celebrating Manufacturing Month in Wisconsin. Gov. Evers proclaimed October as Manufacturing Month in Wisconsin and Oct. 4, 2024, as Manufacturing Day. A copy of the governor’s Manufacturing Month and Manufacturing Day proclamation is available here.
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 04 October 2024 08:29 |
MILWAUKEE - Hurricane Helene was worse than anyone thought. We discuss the damage in North Carolina and encourage support for their relief organizing in rural North Carolina devastated by the climate change fueled storm.
We talk about this week’s Wisconsin Public Service Commission (PSC) hearings on We Energies’ outrageous rate hikes. We review their failure to make the green renewable energy transition and and their latest fossil fuel scheme to bilk ratepayers and the public at large. We urge freezing rates until the PSC imposed a 2% of income rate cap in the state for all utilities. Learn more about the 2% rate cap and sign our petition in support.
We discuss the latest MU Law Poll showing the presidential horserace unchanged. However, Tammy Baldwin’s U.S. Senate lead is growing, continuing her history of out performing the top of the ticket.
We review new research showing Wisconsin would gain $1.7 billion in federal funds if the Legislature accepted available federal funds that could be used to provide health insurance coverage to tens of thousands of families through Medicaid—and to improve reimbursement rates for hospitals, clinics, doctors, and other providers.
We welcome Tim Hennigan, a staff attorney at ABC For Health, to discuss an upcoming Medical Debt Symposium, the morning of Thursday, October 17th in Milwaukee. We discuss how medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy and how Wisconsin’s hospitals are destroying the financial lives of their own patients for profit.
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 03 October 2024 10:50 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address highlighting the Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Fall season and the industry’s role as a key economic driver for tourism, farm families, and communities across the state. Gov. Evers proclaimed September 19 through October 31, 2024, as Wisconsin Agricultural Tourism Fall Season. A copy of the governor’s proclamation is available here.
Audio File of Radio Address.
Written by Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Matt Brusky
Friday, 27 September 2024 09:42 |
MILWAUKEE - We discuss the significance of another modest hurricane intensifying in the Gulf of Mexico into a monster storm imperiling 5 southern states. What is the role of climate change? We take a deep dive into the polling paradox of presidential elections. Polls consume the media and voters attention, along with junk ads that pollute discourse, yet they reveal little and fail repeatedly to capture reality.
The Wausau mayor removes ballot drop box and charges are filed against him as two northern Wisconsin towns are sued by the DOJ for voting rights violations. What are the consequences of the GOP big lie on voter fraud? Healthcare and BadgerCare become a big issue in Legislative races and we remind our listeners it is now 6 months since devastating hospital and clinic closures and NO help has been offered for the Eau Claire/Chippewa area, leaving the region reeling and public health badly damaged.
We are joined by Milwaukee County Supervisor Juan Miguel Martinez to discuss a new plan for Milwaukee’s iconic Mitchell Park Domes and how their critical connection to the improved health and safety of a community and neighborhood.
Volunteer talking to voters with Citizen Action. Join Citizen Action
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Written by GOV Press Wisconsin
Thursday, 26 September 2024 16:53 |
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address celebrating National Clean Energy Week and highlighting the launch of the new U.S Climate Alliance Governors’ Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative.
Bolstered by robust federal investment by the Biden-Harris Administration toward building a national clean energy economy, the Alliance’s new initiative aims to expand the clean energy workforce nationwide and support job and apprenticeship training in innovative industries and technologies by training 1 million new registered apprentices by 2035 across the Alliance’s member states and territories. Additional information on the Governors’ Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative and Gov. Evers’ role in the U.S. Climate Alliance is available here.
Last Updated on Friday, 27 September 2024 17:02 |
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 09:54 | Trump’s claim that he is a "protector" of women falls apart when placed under even the slightest scrutiny. Women are far more aware of Trump’s contradictions than he gives them credit for.
Written by Laura Kiefert, Green Bay Progressive
Friday, 20 September 2024 10:55 | Trump’s rhetoric tries to make it seem like the economy is on the brink of collapse, but the truth is, we are on the verge of the "soft landing" we've all been hoping for.
Last Updated on Friday, 20 September 2024 11:22 |