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WEDC to Promote Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company in Chippewa Falls PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:38

hpe-chippewa-fallsNew Enterprise Zone would help company retain nearly 500 high-paying jobs in Chippewa Falls

GOP to overturn Gov. Evers’ popular Statewide Mask Mandate PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:30

coronavirus-small-businessSenate Republicans set to pass resolution making Wisconsinites less safe, less secure, and less prosperous

MADISON- Senate Republicans intend to overturn the mask mandate put in place by Governor Tony Evers. Republicans put forward SJR 3 despite overwhelming public support for the governor’s public health emergency which mandates mask wearing in public spaces. Senator Melissa Agard (D-Madison) released this statement:

“This resolution does nothing to keep Wisconsinites safe and puts our most vulnerable friends and neighbors at higher risk. Time and time again, Republicans have fought even the most basic public health measures through lawsuits and refusing to come to the table to discuss COVID-19 relief for months.

“We are nearing 6,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Wisconsin. These are our neighbors, our friends, our loved ones. It is frustrating that Republicans' response to this pandemic is not to help people who are suffering, but to repeal our mask mandate - one of our most effective tools to stopping community spread and keeping all of us safe and healthy.

“While I am very grateful my community will still fall under the Dane County mask mandate, this virus does not stop at county borders. County lines and differing public health orders are irrelevant to this virus. Wisconsinites travel for work, they travel for necessities, they travel to go spend time outdoors. This is why the statewide mask mandate is so crucial; it creates a unified response.

“Regardless of this resolution, everyone in Wisconsin needs to continue wearing their mask, social distancing, staying home as much as possible, and washing our hands. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the COVID-19 vaccine, but we must continue to do all that we can to stop the spread and keep one another healthy.

“Leadership matters. Rather than making mask-wearing a political statement, let’s protect our communities and do the right thing.”

Currently 20 groups and organizations are opposed to this resolution (There are no groups registered in support). The groups opposed are:

Wisconsin Assisted Living Association

Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards

Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians

Wisconsin Council of Churches

Wisconsin Health Care Association

Wisconsin Hospital Association

Wisconsin Medical Society

Disability Service Provider Network

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Business Education Fund

Kids Forward

Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative

Leading Age Wisconsin

Medical College of Wisconsin

Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin

SEIU Wisconsin State Council

Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians

Wisconsin Public Health Association

Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association


What You Need to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jeff Smith, State Senator District 31   
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:03

covid-19-vaccinationSen. Smith writes about the progress of Wisconsin’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout and shares information from the Department of Health Services on vaccine distribution.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:29
Governor on the Passing of Regent Delgado PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 10:56

jos-delgadoMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers Monday issued the statement below regarding the passing of University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents member, Regent José Delgado:

tony-evers“I was saddened today to learn of the loss of Regent José Delgado. I served with Regent Delgado during my time on the Board of Regents and always appreciated his unique perspective in our conversations about the challenges facing the University of Wisconsin System. Kathy and I offer our sincerest condolences to Regent Delgado’s family and as well as his colleagues on the Board of Regents as they mourn his passing.”

Legislators Praise Lifting of Military Ban on Transgender Service Members PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly, Fawn George   
Tuesday, 26 January 2021 10:46

vets-gi-billRepresentatives Snodgrass, Spreitzer, Cabrera, Neubauer, and Senator Carpenter praise prioritization of non-discrimination in lifting of ban for transgender service members

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 10:55
State to Pursue Legal Action Against PFAS Contaminators PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 22 January 2021 21:31

clean-drinking-waterState will seek outside legal counsel to investigate and prepare for litigation against corporate actors responsible.

Gov. Evers on the Passing of Hank Aaron PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Friday, 22 January 2021 11:45

hank-aaron-milw-braves-cnnMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today released the following statement regarding the passing of Hank Aaron.

tony-evers“I’m saddened to hear about the passing of a great athlete, a great man, and one of my own personal heroes. When I was a kid, Hank Aaron actually came to Plymouth to meet and visit with my Cub Scouts group—something I cherished then and even still today. Hammerin’ Hank was a role model to so many both on and off the field, and he’ll be remembered as a legend to the sport and to our state. What a loss.”

Republican Bills Hinder Wisconsin’s Efforts to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Melissa Agard Press   
Friday, 22 January 2021 10:31

covid-19-restaurant-emptyCommittee on Human Services, Children and Families executive session continues to show Republicans unwilling to do the real work for Wisconsinites

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 January 2021 10:44
Wisconsin Man at Capitol Riot PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Friday, 22 January 2021 10:10

derrick-van-orden-dc-twitterAfter Multiple Deaths, Failed Congressional Candidate Derrick Van Orden Attempts to Whitewash Participation in Violent Insurrection.

Madison - Two weeks ago, a violent insurrectionist mob attacked the United States Capitol resulting in the death of five Americans – including a Capitol Police office. Among the attackers was none other than failed congressional candidate, Derrick Van Orden, who is now desperately trying to whitewash his participation.

In a recent op-ed in The Cap Times, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler discussed the Wisconsin GOP accomplices of the insurrection.

“Trump wasn’t a lone wolf saboteur. He had accomplices — nationwide, and very much in Wisconsin...Derrick Van Orden, who ran against Rep. Ron Kind, actually attended Trump’s Jan. 6 rally in D.C., apparently leaving the scene just before the mob sacked the Capitol.”

In a since deleted tweet dated January 6th, Van Orden proudly touted his attendance. Van Orden’s role in the violent attack comes after he stood in lock step with President Trump, spewing disinformation about voter fraud in the November election that eventually led to the deadly events.

“Wisconsin voters already rejected Derrick Van Orden once in November because of his brand of decisive politics and failure to put people ahead of partisanship. His participation in the deadly events represents a new low. Van Orden made his loyalties clear when he joined the violent insurrectionist mob, and no amount of whitewashing can change that,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Executive Director Nellie Sires. 

Van Orden and Washington Republicans have failed to provide any evidence to support their conspiratorial claims, and their cynical refusal to acknowledge the results of the presidential election has now cost at least five Americans their lives.

People’s Maps Commission Seeks Public Comment on 7th CD PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin DOA Communications   
Friday, 22 January 2021 10:00

voter-primariesPublic hearing to occur on Jan. 28

MADISON —The People’s Maps Commission will hold a virtual public hearing at 5:30p.m. on Thurs., Jan. 28, 2021, to seek public input on the upcoming redistricting of legislative maps from constituents of Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District.  Although the Jan. 28 hearing will focus on the 7th Congressional District, all Wisconsin residents are encouraged to watch and participate. Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing must register in advance by visiting the People’s Maps Commission website HERE.

The hearing is the Commission’s fifth in a series of at least eight meetings, one for each one of Wisconsin’s eight congressional districts. The virtual public hearing will include testimony from subject matter experts and also provide Wisconsinites the opportunity to express how they have been affected by legislative redistricting and share their ideas for how Wisconsin can work together to achieve fair maps.

The deadline for registering to comment during this hearing is 5:00 p.m. Tues., Jan. 26, 2021. Each speaker will have three minutes to speak. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority to residents of Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District.

For anyone unable to join the virtual hearing, written comments are strongly encouraged. Written comments can be submitted at any time using the feedback form available on the People’s Maps Commission website HERE. Written comments will be reviewed by the commissioners and are public record.

Selected by a three judge panel, the Commission is a nine-member nonpartisan redistricting commission charged with drawing fair, impartial maps for the state of Wisconsin. More information about the Commission, its members and its activities is available HERE.

Every 10 years, each state redraws their legislative and congressional districts using data from the decennial census. In addition to the data from the 2020 U.S. Census, the Commission will use information gathered during the public hearing process to prepare new maps. It will then be up to the Legislature to take up and approve the maps created by the Commission.

Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the People’s Maps Commission will host virtual public hearings for each of Wisconsin’s eight congressional districts. Agendas and additional details will be announced in advance of future meeting dates. The hearing dates are as follows:

The hearing dates are as follows:

  • Thursday, January 28th – 7th Congressional District
  • Thursday, February 11 – 1st Congressional District
  • Thursday, February 25th - 6th Congressional District
  • Thursday, March 11 - 2nd Congressional District

Individuals interested in watching previous hearings can find the recordings HERE.

State Legislators Unveil Pathways to Employment Bill PDF Print E-mail
Written by Evan Goyke Press   
Thursday, 21 January 2021 14:24

manufacturing-jobsLegislators and stakeholders come together to support bipartisan workforce development initiative.

MADISON - On Wednesday, Senators Alberta Darling and Kelda Roys and Representatives David Steffen and Evan Goyke unveiled legislation that provides pathways to employment for individuals through criminal justice reform.

david-steffen"Expungement is a perfect example of how criminal justice reform and workforce development are closely linked," said Rep. Steffen. "Once enacted, this proposal will provide immediate employment access for thousands of individuals who are looking to overcome their past and find success in the workforce."

judgementExpungement refers to a process where a person can petition to have his or her record expunged (or sealed) of a non-violent, lower-level offense. An individual is only eligible for expungement if they meet certain criteria. Currently, a judge can only order that an individual is eligible for expungement at the time of sentencing and it is only available to individuals under the age of 25. This bill would allow a judge to order that a record be expunged after a person completes his or her sentence, and removes the arbitrary age limit of 25. The legislation also ensures for employment purposes that an expunged record does not prohibit an individual from obtaining a professional license in Wisconsin.

“It has been an extremely tough year for many,” Sen. Darling said, “As we continue to move closer and closer to a sense of normalcy, we can expect to once again have workforce shortage again. Our goal is to help the many hardworking people who won’t have a chance at employment because of a mistake made years ago. This bill gives them a chance to support themselves and their families while helping the needs of employers throughout our state.”

evangoyke“This important legislation is the key to removing barriers to employment for so many Wisconsin citizens,” said Rep. Goyke. “We have worked closely with numerous stakeholders, both in the courthouse and in the workforce, while also hearing from individuals and families throughout the state supporting this reform. Our bill moves Wisconsin's expungement law in line with most of the country by modernizing the court process for expungement, which will give a pathway to employment for thousands of Wisconsinites."

“Expungement reform is an important and necessary step toward a more equitable criminal justice system,” said Sen. Roys. “This bipartisan bill will help restore opportunity to thousands of Wisconsinites – opportunity that is disproportionately denied to people of color -- and I’m excited to be part of building a more just society.”

The bill was circulated for co-sponsorship today and will be introduced in February.

Last Updated on Saturday, 23 January 2021 11:43
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