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Democrats Celebrate Voting Rights Act PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Thursday, 06 August 2020 21:55

john-lewis-medal-ajc55 years after VRA enactment, the vote remains our most powerful tool against discrimination.

WISCONSIN -- On the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman released the following statement:

voters-black“Today we honor the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and the passing of civil rights hero John Lewis with an eye towards the unfinished work to protect the right to vote across Wisconsin. Republicans in Wisconsin continue to follow Trump’s lead in their relentless pursuit to dismantle voting rights in this country. Never was Trump and Republicans’ cruel determination to disenfranchise voters more acute than during the April elections when Republican efforts forced countless Wisconsinites to choose between their health and their right to vote rather than expand access to popular vote-by-mail measures.

“Wisconsinites know better than most just how malicious Republicans' efforts around the fundamental right to vote have been. From passing archaic voter I.D. laws, drastically limiting early voting, requiring a witness signature while still in the midst of a pandemic, to targeting voter purges in majority Black and Brown communities, Wisconsin Republicans have struck at the heart of democracy every chance they have gotten. Democrats remain steadfast in our support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, of expanding access to vote by mail, and vow to fight any effort to disenfranchise voters across the Badger state.”

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