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DeVos Holds Closed Door Event in Wisconsin PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press, Philip Shulman   
Tuesday, 04 August 2020 08:01

trump-devosWI Federalist Society, WEAC President, Teachers to Call Out Administration for Not Prioritizing Safe School Re-Opening Plan.

WISCONSIN -- Today, as Betsy DeVos holds a closed-door event with members of the Wisconsin Federalist Society, WEAC President Ron Martin, La Crosse teachers Jesse Martinez and Tammy Gruen, and Wisconsin College Democrats Chair Cecelia McDermott will hold a video press conference calling out Trump and Devos for refusing to put a plan in place that would allow teachers and students to return to schools safely this fall. 

schools-reopening-2020As local school districts and teachers are left in the dark about a plan to keep their students safe, DeVos is instead focused on touting her proposal that will make it harder for college students to report sexual harassment and assault through changes to Title IX.

WHAT: A press call discussing Donald Trump and Betsy Devos’ efforts to make it harder for college students to report sexual harassment and assault while offering no plan to get kids back to school safely.

WHO: Ron Martin, President of Wisconsin Education Association Council
Jesse Martinez, La Crosse Area Teacher
Tammy Gruen, La Crosse Area Teacher
Cecelia McDermott, President of the Wisconsin College Democrats

WHEN: Today, August 4th, 10:30 AM CT

WHERE: Register here.

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