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Too Many Unanswered Questions on Upcoming ICE Raids PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Friday, 12 July 2019 15:37

immigration-childrenIf the Trump administration can’t adequately process undocumented immigrants currently, what are they going to do with thousands more?

MILWAUKEE – In response to Donald Trump announcing that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will begin removing thousands of undocumented immigrants from the United States on Sunday, July 14th, State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) released the following statement:

“If the Trump administration can’t adequately process the undocumented immigrants currently in their custody, what in the world are they going to do with the roughly 2000 immigrants ICE is expected to start pursuing on Sunday? Where will they be housed, how quickly will they be processed, and how much is this going to cost, are questions that should definitely be answered immediately.”

lena-taylor“For the fiscal hawks in this country, in 2016, ICE reported that the average deportation cost was $10,854 per person. Using that number as the base of expenses, the price tag could be roughly $22 million dollars. I’m not say we do nothing, but when we know that the United States is facing a situation in which the Treasury Secretary has warned Congress that we may run out of money needed to keep the government operating and cover interest payments on $22 trillion dollars in national debt by September, can we afford this right now? Maybe millions spent on the July 4th parade could have offset those expenses. Either way, we should know the answer to that question, today.”

“However the sad truth is that even if we get answers, we won’t know that they can be believed. After all, we have not received truthful answers from the President about the safety and well-being of undocumented children being held in U.S. detention centers. Inspectors from the Department of Homeland Security described the conditions as “dangerous overcrowding” and “rapidly deteriorating conditions”. Yet the President exclaims that everything is fine. Reality check: there have been 24 immigrants who have died in ICE custody under the Trump administration. Everything is not fine. And now he seeks to compound an already overburdened system?”

“Donald Trump has a track record of moving first and asking the relevant questions later. That has proven to be a failed strategy every time.”


Written by Michelle Bryant.

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