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JFC Democrats Reject Irresponsible GOP Spending Plan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Friday, 08 February 2019 09:55

jfcphotoDemocratic members say majority party’s spending plan will cost taxpayers more in the long-run without any plan to pay for it.

MADISON – Democratic members of the Joint Committee on Finance stood in opposition to the irresponsible spending plan proposed by Republicans. The Republican spending plan will cost taxpayers more in the long-run without any plan to pay for it in the future.

“I’m glad Republicans share Evers’ and legislative Democrats’ goal of providing tax relief for hardworking Wisconsin families,” said Sen. Johnson. “But the methods by which we get this done matter. The GOP spending plan is irresponsible. We need to respect the will of Wisconsin voters by supporting the governor’s sustainable middle class tax relief plan.”

lena-taylor“Once again Republicans are putting politics above hardworking Wisconsinites. Their tax plan means less money in people’s pockets, in their schools, and in our crumbling infrastructure,” said Rep. Taylor. It is fiscally irresponsible and continues to benefit the wealthiest Wisconsinites on the backs of low and middle income families.”

“Wisconsinites have made it clear that they want Governor Evers to invest in schools, rebuild infrastructure, and improve health care,” said Sen. Erpenbach. “Between the Republican’s Foxconn aspirations and a tax cut they cannot fund, they are already exceeding our expected budget before the process even begins. The people of Wisconsin deserve a smart and sustainable tax relief plan, not more reckless spending.”

“Today I stood with my Democratic colleagues in opposing the majority party’s spending plan. This legislation should be part of the entire budget, not rushed through the legislature before the budget debate can begin,” said Rep. Goyke. “I am proud to be a Democrat and prioritize vital investments in our State including affordable health care, strong public schools, and safe roads - and provide tax relief to middle class families. This work should be bipartisan and done together in the budget process, but the majority party has refused to negotiate or compromise. I will continue to stand with my Democratic colleagues in favor of a more responsible and sustainable middle class tax cut."

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 February 2019 17:21
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