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Gruszynski Applauds Plan to Close the Dark Store Loophole PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Tuesday, 05 February 2019 17:06

menardsGreen Bay's Rep. Staush Gruszynski says plan would restore fairness to the property tax assessments.

MADISON – State Representative Staush Gruszynski (D-Green Bay) offered the following remarks after Governor Tony Evers announced his plan to close the dark store loophole in the 2019-2020 biennial budget. The dark store loophole allows corporate big box retailers to base their tax assessments for operating stores on the value of vacant stores, reducing their property tax assessments and shifting the tax burden to residential homeowners and local small businesses.

staush-gruszynski“Like the majority of my constituents, I strongly support closing the dark store loophole to restore fairness to the property tax assessment process in Wisconsin. 75% of voters in Brown County voted in support of closing the loophole on the November 2018 ballot because they know that it’s unfair to allow corporate retailers to dump the property tax burden on homeowners and small businesses by misrepresenting the value of their own properties. I am proud to stand with my constituents and hardworking taxpayers across Wisconsin. I look forward to working with Governor Evers to put Wisconsin families first with a more equitable tax code.” Gruszynski said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 February 2019 17:23
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