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Walker and Republicans Failed Taxpayers on Foxconn Fiasco PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Wednesday, 30 January 2019 16:58

walker-terry-gou-foxconnFoxconn’s reputation for abandoning projects and failing to deliver on thousands of promised jobs has been well documented says Democratic leader.

MADISON, WI – Once again questions are being raised about the future of Foxconn in Wisconsin as the foreign mega-corporation rolls back its plans for a high-tech manufacturing plant and misses jobs targets. Having originally promised a massive cutting-edge Gen 10.5 factory near Racine, then announcing a smaller Gen 6 facility, Foxconn will no longer focus on LCD manufacturing according to a recent report by Reuters. Despite the scaled-back plans, millions of taxpayers dollars have already been spent subsidizing this corporate project and building infrastructure that may never be utilized.

jennifer-shilling“The Walker administration and legislative Republicans failed to put in place stronger safeguards to hold Foxconn accountable and protect Wisconsin taxpayers,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). “Their negligence has put home-grown businesses at a competitive disadvantage while committing taxpayers to decades of economic costs and liabilities for a project that continues to shrink in size and scope. At some point, Republican politicians will need to wake up and realize that these massive taxpayer handouts to foreign corporations are busting our budget and preventing Wisconsin families and businesses from getting ahead. Democrats want to increase oversight and accountability to ensure that Wisconsin communities and workers are protected.”

Foxconn’s reputation for abandoning projects and failing to deliver on thousands of promised jobs has been well documented. Development plans by Foxconn in places like Pennsylvania, Indonesia, India, Vietnam and Brazil all failed to materialize or meet promised expectations.

Last Updated on Saturday, 02 March 2019 13:23
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