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Republicans Obstruct Change Following November Election PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Joint Finance Committee Democrats   
Monday, 03 December 2018 17:00

scott-fitzgeraldl-stands-behind-walkerAfter historic voter turnout and a rejection of partisan politics, Republican politicians in Madison refuse to cede power when their party lost.

MADISON – Rather than focus on the issues impacting Wisconsin families, Republican lawmakers on the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee considered legislation to rig elections, limit the powers of Governor-elect Tony Evers and reverse the will of Wisconsin voters. Democratic leaders on the Joint Finance Committee released the following statements:

jon-erpenbach“The people voted for a change. This unprecedented, last-minute attempt to consolidate power by the Republican leaders is clearly going against the will of the people who elected a Democrat to lead Wisconsin,” said Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton).

chris-taylor“Never before in the history of our state have we had desperate politicians refuse to cede power when their party lost an election,” said Rep. Chris Taylor. “These Republican politicians think the government should be about them and their power rather than about the people of this state. This is a shameful rebuke of Wisconsin voters who voted for change, not more of the same dirty politics.”

“After historic voter turnout and a rejection of partisan politics, Republicans are attempting to once again rig elections in their favor by reducing early voting access and spending millions of taxpayer dollars on moving the state Supreme Court election. Wisconsinites are tired of the Republican ‘my-way-or-the-highway approach’ and this lame duck session is an insult to the voices of Wisconsinites and a misuse of their hard-earned money,” said Sen. LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee).

“Republicans want to take away the authority of the incoming governor and attorney general and disrespect the will of the voters,” said Rep Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point). “These power-hungry politicians are playing dirty politics, plain and simple. It's wrong and we won't stand for it. I encourage everyone to call their State Senator and Representative and urge them to vote ‘no’ on these bills. We should be fixing our roads, investing in education, and strengthening healthcare access -- not wasting taxpayer money on this abuse of power.”

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