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Tony Evers Announces “Government for Us” Agenda PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony for Wisconsin Press   
Monday, 01 October 2018 15:52

tony-eversMADISON - On Monday, Democratic nominee for Governor Tony Evers released his Government for Us agenda to put state government back to work FOR the people of Wisconsin. As Governor, Tony will ensure that the state government is a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars, upholds Wisconsin’s long tradition of transparency and accountability, and most importantly, works for the people of Wisconsin.

“The hardworking people of Wisconsin deserve a governor and a state government that work hard for them,” said Evers. “Unfortunately, for the past eight years, Scott Walker and Republicans have used our state government as a way to pay back their political supporters and special interests, waste taxpayer dollars on 24-mile plane rides, and undermine trust and accountability in government. That ends when I’m governor. I’ll make sure we are always putting the people of Wisconsin first.”

Under typical politician Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled Wisconsin State Legislature, Wisconsinites have seen their state government used too often to curry political favors, prioritize special interests, usurp local control, and hide from proper oversight and accountability. Tony’s Government for Us agenda will end these harmful and wasteful practices. Under an Evers administration, Wisconsin’s state government would be a good steward of tax dollars and prioritize expertise and diversity over political needs. It will be representative of and responsive to taxpayers and fight for the needs of Wisconsin families.

Tony Evers’ “Government for Us” Agenda

●      Tough Measures to Hold Agencies Accountable

○      Tony will create a new Office of the Inspector General to ensure Wisconsin families have an independent, nonpartisan watchdog keeping an eye on our Wisconsin government

○      Tony will ensure state agency cooperation and compliance during Legislative Audit Bureau audits

○      Tony will replace the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation with a new economic development agency that’s accountable to Wisconsin taxpayers

●      Responsible Use of Taxpayer Dollars

○      Tony’s administration will be responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, cutting out wasteful spending such as overpayments on road projects, overuse of the state plane, and commemorative coins with the agency motto

○      Tony supports restoring the False Claims Act to ensure corporations and insurance companies are held accountable for defrauding Wisconsin taxpayers

●      Ending Secretive NDAs & Legislative Fast Tracking

○      Tony will ensure agency accountability by prohibiting expansive, arbitrary non-disclosure agreements for employees that limit public transparency

○      Tony supports a 48-hour “cooling off” period between public hearings on legislation and executive action by committees to ensure opportunities for public weigh-in

●      Protecting Our Right to Vote & Creating Fair Election Maps

○      Tony will make voting easier by supporting automatic voter registration

○      Tony will create a nonpartisan, independent redistricting commission

●      Appointing Qualified Professionals & Respecting Public Service

○      Tony will appoint qualified professionals who have relevant background and expertise in their agency issue areas

○      Tony will end the politicization of state agencies to ensure our government works for us, not special interests



Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 October 2018 16:00
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