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Believing Blasey Ford - Wisc Democracy Campaign PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild   
Friday, 28 September 2018 15:58

christine-blasey-ford-testifies-pbsAll of us who value democracy and equality and an end to sexual violence and basic human decency owe a huge debt to Dr. Ford.

MADISON - It’s been hard, over the past 24 hours, to focus on anything other than Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her extremely courageous, credible, and powerful testimony.

All of us who value democracy and equality and an end to sexual violence and basic human decency owe a huge debt to Dr. Ford.

matt-rothschildWhen I wasn’t watching the testimony yesterday, I was trying to draw attention to some of the newsworthy postings we put up this week.

One had to do with our own state supreme court, and the way in which the conservative justices on it are in hock to the business groups that spent tons of money to help them get elected. One business group even bragged that it was getting a lot back in return:

Business group hails Wisconsin’s conservative justices

We also noted that the Koch Brothers’ group, Americans for Prosperity, and other conservative express advocacy groups are spending a lot more than such groups on the Democratic side:

GOP express advocacy groups outspending Dems almost 5 to 1 in Wisconsin

And then we examined who was funding the leading candidates for governor.

Here’s what we posted on Tony Evers:

Evers raised $1.9M in August

And here’s what we posted on Scott Walker:

Walker's fundraising gets $1M boost from lt. gov's campaign

This donating by the candidates for lieutenant governor to the candidates for governor should not be allowed! It’s a major loophole we need to plug.

And just yesterday, we posted the most recently filed summary campaign finance data for all candidates on the November ballot for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer.

Campaign finances updated for constitutional office candidates on the Nov. ballot

I hope this information is useful to you.


Matt Rothschild
Executive Director
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P.S. Instead of asking you to support the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, as I usually do here, I’m going to ask that you support any nonprofit in Wisconsin that is combating sexual violence. For instance, you can support the Rape Crisis Center of Dane County or a crisis center closer to you.

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