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Omarosa. Manafort. Kavanaugh? PDF Print E-mail
Written by LegitAction Team   
Monday, 20 August 2018 17:06

donald-trump-golden-wingsTrump wants to make another lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court while he’s under active criminal investigation. Join tens of thousands of Legit members and sign our petition to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

MIDDLETON, WI - At this point you know the drill: another day, another breaking scandal about a corrupt member of President Trump’s inner circle.

Yet Republicans want to let Trump make another lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court while he’s under active criminal investigation.

brett-kavanaugh-trumpThe American people know better. Compared to 59% of people who supported Chief Justice Roberts’ nomination in a CNN poll and the 50% who supported Justice Alito’s, a measly 39% of Americans surveyed say “yes” to Kavanaugh. It’s the first time this poll has counted more people against a Supreme Court nomination than people in favor.

This appointment is a loser for democratic legitimacy, and it’s a loser for Democrats politically. They must stand together to oppose it, and at least one Republican must join them.

Join tens of thousands of Legit members and sign our petition to say: Democrats in the Senate must take every conceivable action to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

Trump hasn’t even been president for two years yet, and these are some of the people he’s hired in the past couple years:

  • Campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- currently on trial for financial crimes
  • Campaign aide Rick Gates -- pled guilty
  • National security advisor Michael Flynn -- pled guilty
  • National security advisor George Papadopoulos -- pled guilty
  • EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt -- resigned in disgrace
  • Aide Omarosa Manigault-Newman -- breached security protocol in Situation Room and illicitly recorded colleagues

Again: that’s just a partial list, and that’s just from the past couple years. Yet Trump is someone we should trust to fill a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court? After his lawyer said Trump would fight a subpoena from the Mueller investigation all the way to that very same Supreme Court?

Not on our watch.

We’re urging Senate Democrats to block this illegitimate Supreme Court appointment by any means possible. Join tens of thousands of Legit members and others across the country and take action now.

We still have time left to turn the tide in the Senate against Brett Kavanaugh’s illegitimate nomination -- but not much. Hearings start after Labor Day.

Thank you for standing up for our democratic legitimacy today,

LegitAction Team

Last Updated on Monday, 20 August 2018 21:38
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