Written by Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, Matt Rothschild
Thursday, 16 August 2018 09:53 |
Help monitor truth in election advertising this fall by reporting ads by issue advocacy groups or independent expenditure committees -- TV, radio, online/social media, newspapers, billboards or direct mail to our Hijack Hotline.
MADISON, WI - As the general election moves ahead, outside groups will be deluging you with ads. For us to do our job monitoring these groups, we need your eyes and ears! Please use our Hijack Hotline to report ads by issue advocacy groups or independent expenditure committees -- TV, radio, online/social media, newspapers, billboards or direct mail. (We do not need ads paid for by the candidate committees themselves or political parties.) If you don’t mind, please send us any printed material that you get from these outside groups. If you have the capability, please digitally scan material you get in your mailbox and email them to me as an attachment at
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. Otherwise, just forward the printed mailers to 203 S. Paterson St., Suite 100, Madison WI 53703. And if you run into any candidates at public forums, please use your mouth to ask them one of the following 10 questions: 10 questions for Wisconsin state candidates Finally, we’d like to know your ideas for the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign: What are the issues that are most important to you that you’d like us to work on? Please let me know by sending me an email at
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. Thanks for lending us your eyes, and your ears, and your mouth, and your ideas! Best, Matt Rothschild Executive Director
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Last Updated on Friday, 17 August 2018 10:17 |