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Walker Still Dodging Questions Ahead of Trump Visit PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, TJ Helmstetter   
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 18:36

immigration-children-borderDespite fundraising off national guard deployment, Gov. Scott Walker still silent on immigration crisis as he waits for Trump visit to Wisconsin.

MADISON - Scott Walker is more worried about offending Donald Trump than he is about doing what's right for Wisconsin families. Even worse, he's hypocritically fundraising off his decision to stand with Trump. He's happy for his national Republican donors to know where he stands as long as Wisconsin voters don't know.

Here are quotes on the issue from the media:


trump-walkerWisconsin State Journal: As immigration debate rages, Scott Walker is not weighing in

"Gov. Scott Walker has refused twice in as many weeks to comment on President Donald Trump’s recent immigration pronouncements, saying both times they are a federal issue.

In plenty of other cases the governor has commented on national matters, including Monday when he took issue with Trump on tariffs and in April when he praised Trump’s border policies. [...]

When it was pointed out that immigrant labor has a major impact on the state’s dairy industry and Walker’s own re-election campaign has used the deployment of Wisconsin National Guard troops to the border in online ads, Walker continued to resist taking a position on immigration."

Associated Press: Walker Still Not Commenting on Immigration Policy

"Walker's refusal to comment comes as both Republican and Democratic governors in other states have weighed in against separating families at the border, a policy Trump reversed last week. Since June 1, Walker's re-election campaign has been running Facebook ads encouraging people to sign up for his feed "if you support the National Guard defending the southern border."

The Democratic Party noted that the ads were running outside of the state, signaling that their intention was to raise money not persuade voters. [...]

Walker has frequently weighed in on immigration and other federal issues in the past as governor, particularly in 2015 when he was running for president. Just over two months ago, Walker tweeted praise to Trump for "taking on illegal drugs, human trafficking, illegal firearms, and all the problems we see on our southern border.""

Cap Times: Scott Walker weighs in on tariffs, stays mum on immigration questions

"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker repeatedly evaded questions about federal immigration policy Monday, arguing it falls outside his jurisdiction. At the same time, he pushed for an end to international tariffs on products made in the United States. [...]

In the same series of questions, Walker declined to say whether he supports the president's call to immediately deport those who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, without due process. "

Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 19:04
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