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Milwaukee Health Care Advocates Highlight GOP Sabotage PDF Print E-mail
Written by WisDems Press   
Tuesday, 19 June 2018 08:32

trumpcareCoalition of Democratic Senators call on Trump to rescind rules that threaten access to quality affordable care after thousands of citizens submit comments on ‘junk’ health insurance plans.

MADISON - Milwaukee health care advocates were joined last week by former federal prosecutor and Attorney General candidate Josh Kaul at a press conference organized by Citizen Action of Wisconsin to highlight Republicans’ ongoing efforts to sabotage the American healthcare system, which has led to skyrocketing premiums across the country.

After thousands of citizens submitted concerned comments on ‘junk’ health insurance plans which would jeopardize affordable care for those pre-existing conditions, Sen. Tammy Baldwin and 43 other Senators sent a letter to President Trump urging him to rescind the harmful rule.

affordable-care-actIn Wisconsin, Republican Attorney General Brad Schimel is currently fighting to overturn the Affordable Care Act and bring back discrimination against pre-existing conditions in a Scott Walker-authorized lawsuit. GOP Senate candidates Leah Vukmir and Kevin Nicholson also support so-called “TrumpCare” repeal plans that would raise costs for working families, end protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and allow insurance companies to charge seniors thousands of dollars more.

Attorney General candidate Josh Kaul spoke of his plans to defend comprehensive health care options for all people, especially those with pre-existing conditions. "We should be working to expand access to affordable care," Kaul said. "Instead, Brad Schimel is fighting to take it away from people."

Lynn Care, a retired nurse, and Steve Ohly, a nurse practitioner, also spoke to the impassioned group, recounting their experiences with our health care system. Lynn, a double-lung transplant recipient, told her healthcare story and promised, "I am going to stand up to Vukmir and Nicholson and Schimel and Walker. I am going to spend my precious breath to voice my outrage to their plans to end protections; increase costs and allow insurance companies to charge thousands of dollars more."

Link to video of press conference

Photos from event

Last Updated on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 10:51
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