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Governor Fails to Act on Gun Safety PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Friday, 16 March 2018 08:00

school-guns-wi2Thousands of brave, determined students from across Wisconsin staged a walk out on Wednesday to demand action on gun safety reform. Students talked about guns in schools, but Gov. Scott Walker chose a special session to talk about anything else.

MADISON, WI – Once again siding with the National Rifle Association, Governor Walker is choosing to ignore student concerns about guns in schools. In response, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement.

jennifer-shilling“It’s disappointing to see Gov. Walker continue to ignore the pleas from Wisconsin students who want safe schools. For a plan that is supposed to be about gun safety, I don’t see anything in here that will keep deadly firearms out of the wrong hands. This plan doesn’t strengthen our background check system, it doesn’t give schools the flexibility to improve safety and it doesn’t stop domestic abusers from getting their hands on deadly firearms. Failing to address the most pressing gun safety issues facing our students, families and communities will only lead to more tragedies.”

Despite overwhelming public support for universal background checks, Republicans continue to block gun safety legislation. Additional commonsense solutions proposed by Democrats include reinstating the 48 hour waiting period, prohibiting the sale of bump stocks, and prohibiting individuals convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor from possessing a firearm.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 March 2018 13:03
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