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Republicans Pass Wetlands Destruction Bill PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Senate, Jay Wadd   
Wednesday, 21 February 2018 13:12

wetlands-wiThe assault on our quality of life continues with passage of a bill that will lead to more flooding and damage to homes and businesses.

MADISON - On a day that saw flood warnings for parts of Wisconsin, Senate Republicans passed a bill that will lead to more and more flooding and damage to homes and businesses resulting from the destruction of even more wetlands said Senator Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay).

“As we have seen with Hurricane Harvey in Houston, flooding due to the loss of wetlands can be catastrophic. Rather than learn from this tragic lesson, Senate Republicans have chosen to ignore it in the interest of serving their corporate donors,” said Hansen.

hurricane-harveyMuch of the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Harvey was linked to the loss of crucial wetlands in the Houston area. Wetlands play a vital role in controlling flooding. When wetlands are developed, especially in cities and large population areas flooding increases. In addition to loss of life, increased flooding can result in millions of dollars of damage to homes, businesses and schools.

dave-hansen“What the Republicans did here today is extremely short-sighted," said Hansen. "It will destroy critical habitat for wildlife, increase the potential for catastrophic flooding and cost residents of affected areas more in increased insurance costs and premiums.”

Earlier in the day Senate Republicans voted to eliminate a program that monitors air pollution along the Lake Michigan coastline.

“Whether it’s voting to allow industrial acid mining in north and central Wisconsin, refusing to address the threat posed by the Aquila Mine Back Forty Project just across our border, peeling back our laws that protect our clean air and drinking water, or voting yet again to allow the destruction of our wetlands, the common thread in their actions is clear: There is nothing they won’t do to appease their wealthy donors, even if it means destroying the legacy of one of the nation’s strongest conservation movements in our nation’s history and the quality of life that goes along with it.”

Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 17:23
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