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Scott Walker Created a Teacher Shortage, Another Reason He Must Go PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Tuesday, 30 January 2018 17:14

teaching-studentsRight-wing malice for teachers, compounded with Act 10, are convincing teachers to leave the profession or leave the state.

MILWAUKEE, WI – Democratic gubernatorial candidate Matt Flynn today made the following statement attacking Scott Walker for creating Wisconsin’s growing teacher shortage.

“Scott Walker signed Act 10 into law nearly seven years ago. We know the results. Just as expected, Wisconsin's public education system is falling apart. The state is facing a major teacher shortage.

“The teacher shortage was easily predictable when Walker announced his legislation. From 2010 to 2015, enrollment in teacher licensing programs dropped almost 30 percent. More than 20 percent of those in school to become teachers don't finish the program. This means fewer qualified teachers and larger class sizes.

matt-flynn“Walker and his right-wing radio allies have a long history of disrespecting teachers. By passing Act 10, we have cut their pay and benefits, worsened their working conditions, and discouraged young people from joining the profession in our state. Scott Walker is the reason why qualified people stop wanting to be teachers in Wisconsin.

“Teachers are vital to Wisconsin’s economy and life. Children need qualified and dedicated classroom teachers. We should want the best people educating our kids. We can’t get them if we don’t let them bargain for pay, benefits, and school conditions.

“As governor I will restore the rights of public employees to collectively bargain and start a major push for teacher recruitment. Our goal will be to entice the best and brightest to look at teaching as the rewarding profession it really is. It is time to end Walker’s insulting disrespect of teachers.”


Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He attended law school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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