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People Triumph Over Politics in Senate District 10 PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Ryan Billingham   
Thursday, 18 January 2018 15:00

patty-schachtnerFacing an Avalanche of Outside Money, Patty Schachtner Prevails in Western Wisconsin.

ST. CROIX, WI – Tuesday night, voters in the 10th Senate District elected Patty Schachtner to represent them at the Capitol, and to fight for a cleaner, healthier Wisconsin.

Despite her opposition’s powerful money machine, which included pro-polluters Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce and the Koch Brothers’ Americans For Prosperity – who likely spent more than $80,000 combined on Adam Jarchow’s negative campaign – Schachtner’s message of people over politics prevailed with voters.

“Most importantly, Patty’s election means the people in Senate District 10 now have a leader who cares about public health, protecting our environment, and defending local control,” said Kerry Schumann, executive director. “It also indicates people in Wisconsin are tired of the destructive policies of an increasingly radical anti-conservation agenda in Madison and in Washington D.C.”

Outspent approximately five-to-one in independent expenditures, Patty relied on friends, neighbors, and fellow residents of the district to spread her vision for SD 10 and the state. Her message of common sense solutions, protecting a community’s right to make its own decisions, and caring about the state’s public health prevailed in dramatic fashion.

Unofficial reports show Schachtner took 55 percent of the vote to Jarchow’s 44 percent in a historically anti-conservation district that Trump won by 17 points.

“When we endorsed Patty, we knew she was the real deal,” Schumann said. “We look forward to fighting with her for our air, land, and water in the very near future.”

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Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable, and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin's public health and natural resources.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 24 January 2018 11:25
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