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Immediate Action at Lincoln Hills Proposed PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Wisconsin Senate, Kate Constalie   
Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:06

lincohn-hills-youth-prisonWalker and GOP have kicked Lincoln Hills crisis down the road for years. Democrats introduce correction reform proposals to improve safety now.

MADISON, WI – Years after reports of abuse and neglect at Lincoln Hills were brought to Governor Walker’s attention, the state’s juvenile corrections facility continues to endanger the lives of youth and staff. Amid calls for urgent action, Gov. Walker recently announced that he would consider taking action before the end of the legislative session.

jennifer-shilling“The Governor and Legislative Republicans have had three budgets to address the Lincoln Hills crisis and their inaction has only made problems worse,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling. “While Democrats have offered this solution and others since 2011, we have been ignored as the facility has grown more dangerous. Governor Walker has turned a blind eye as serious problems have led too crumbling roads, struggling schools, and the degradation of our land and water. Lives are at stake and Gov. Walker’s political ambitions are his only concern.”

Despite warning signs dating back to 2012, local officials continue to describe the conditions at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake as “inhumane.” Democrats have introduced a series of correction reform proposals to improve safety at these state facilities. The bills aim to improve worker training, limit the use of forced overtime, expand workplace safety rights, strengthen reporting requirements and ensure appropriate staffing levels for first responders.

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