Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski
Sunday, 03 December 2017 15:08 |
Eileen Newcomer and Ellen Penwell join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.
MADISON - We are thrilled to welcome two new staff members to the LWV State Office this fall. Eileen Newcomer joined our staff in November as Voter Education Coordinator. Eileen comes with a strong background in nonprofit work and a keen commitment to free, fair and accessible elections in Wisconsin. She will be leading our VOTE411.org voter guide and election observation programs. Eileen says, “I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to join the amazing team at the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and be a part of moving the League’s work forward as Voter Education Coordinator. Voting is such a powerful form of civic engagement. It’s how “we the people” share our voice and make real, lasting change happen. I’m excited to be able to contribute to the League and our state and do my part to encourage informed participation in our electoral system.” In October Ellen Penwell joined the staff as our Membership and Event Coordinator. Ellen's experience and leadership with the League of Women Voters Whitewater Area give her a knowledgeable perspective for this new position at the state office. Ellen says of her new position, "I’m very excited to begin working on productive and creative ways to enhance the League’s membership throughout the state. Working together with local Leagues, I believe we can explore innovative ways to increase and diversify League membership and nurture new leaders along the way." Together with Erin Grunze as our incoming Executive Director, we look forward to empowering more voters and providing more support to our local Leagues in the 2018 election year! Thank you to our League members and friends for giving of your time, talent and treasure to safeguarding democracy. If you contributed to the League on Giving Tuesday, a special thanks!