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League Women's Voters WI "Legislative update and special elections" PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by League Women Voters WI, Andrea Kaminski   
Tuesday, 21 November 2017 15:07

voter-usNonpartisan group reports on current issues.

MADISON - Congratulations to the League of Women Voters of Sheboygan County, which recently received full recognition as a League! Go to their Facebook page to see recent and upcoming events for this dynamic group.

If you contacted your state legislators about bills the League was following in the November legislative floor sessions, thank you! Here is a roundup of what happened to the bills and what the next step, if any, is for each proposal. And thanks to our intern Eliana Locke for preparing this resource.

After suffering a 28% staffing reduction in the state budget, the Wisconsin Elections Commission will consider a proposal on Monday to ask the legislature for funding for three positions devoted to election cybersecurity and voter education. Read the League's statement of support.

Special elections have been scheduled to fill vacancies in 3 legislative districts:

  • Senate District 10 (parts of Burnett, Polk, St. Croix, Pierce and Dunn counties)
  • Assembly District 66 (within the City of Racine)
  • Assembly District 58 (within Washington County).

If there is a Primary Election for any of these districts, it will take place December 19. The final Election will be on January 16. For more details, click here and scroll down to the Special Election announcements in the center column. In each announcement, you can click on “attachments” for a list of candidates and more information.

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