Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brad Bainum
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 14:56 |
GOP Senate candidates support partisan TrumpCare bills that strip healthcare access from millions, but reject bipartisan fix to fight spiking healthcare costs in Wisconsin after Trump sabotage.
MADISON - Right-wing state Senator Leah Vukmir and out-of-state special interest puppet Kevin Nicholson have officially endorsed a 36% premium increase on Wisconsin working families. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Nicholson and Vukmir -- vocal backers of Republican TrumpCare healthcare plans that'd take healthcare away from tens of millions of Americans -- are now fully opposed to a bipartisan Senate bill sponsored by 12 Republicans and 12 Democrats, including Wisconsin's Tammy Baldwin, that aims to stabilize the President Trump-led sabotage of healthcare markets that has premiums spiking across the country, including by 36% in Wisconsin. “By opposing this bipartisan solution to help make health care more affordable, Kevin Nicholson and Leah Vukmir are once again supporting higher costs for Wisconsinites," said Brad Bainum, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson for the 2018 Senate race. "Both Vukmir and Nicholson have already supported taking health care away from millions, and now they’re endorsing a 36% premium hike on Wisconsin families.”