Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Tony Evers for Governor
Thursday, 12 October 2017 16:04 |
MADISON - 16 to 1. That was the vote on Scott Walker's University of Wisconsin Board of Regents in favor of a new policy requiring the university to expel students who "disrupt" the free speech of others.
This policy is nothing more than an attempt by Walker and his political appointees to suppress the free speech rights of anybody who disagrees with them.
This policy provides no definition for what behavior is "disruptive." Who decides what is "disruptive"? Who decides when to enforce this policy and when not to? The First Amendment right to free speech is one of our most cherished rights. Donald Trump, Scott Walker and the Board of Regents don't get to decide which speech is "disruptive" and which is not.
As State Superintendent, I serve on the Board of Regents. I voted against this policy. Every other person on the board voted for it. Scott Walker has appointed 16 Regents who are fundamentally opposed to the mission of our university -- to educate our kids and teach them how to think for themselves.
There's only one way to stop this -- elect a new Governor, who can appoint a new Board of Regents. As Governor, I will appoint a Board of Regents that will focus on educating our young people, not suppressing their rights.
Please contribute now to help me defeat Scott Walker so I can appoint a new UW Board of Regents.
Last Updated on Thursday, 12 October 2017 18:34 |