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Matt Flynn Announces Campaign for Governor PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Forward with Flynn, Bryan Kennedy   
Tuesday, 10 October 2017 16:41

matt-flynnMilwaukee attorney and former State Party Chairman says it’s time to move Wisconsin Forward again.

MILWAUKEE - Today Matt Flynn – attorney, Navy veteran, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin – officially announced his campaign for Governor in 2018. Flynn joins the field of Democratic candidates ready to defeat Scott Walker.

“I’m running for Governor because I can’t stand by and watch our democracy slowly destroyed. Donald Trump has corrupted our government, is dividing our country, and is pitting Americans against Americans.

“In Madison, Scott Walker is slowly destroying the Wisconsin Way. I can’t stand by and watch the great Forward tradition of our state obliterated. I’m standing up to the large corporate donors who really are the ones that control Scott Walker and his cronies. I’m running for Governor of Wisconsin to restore our progressive tradition and to get Wisconsin moving Forward again.

“Scott Walker was taken to the cleaners on the Foxconn deal. He agreed to pay up to $3 billion to a Chinese company with no guarantees of a number of jobs created and wages paid. He also exempted them from important wetlands and water regulations right near Lake Michigan. We cannot tolerate Chinese industrial water management in Wisconsin.

“It’s time to restore fair wages and prosperity in every county and in every ZIP code in this state. We need to repair our roads throughout the state. We need to restore clean water to our state. It’s time to restore adequate funding to the University of Wisconsin System and to our public schools. It’s time to accept all federal money available to fund our Medicaid and other healthcare commitments. And above all, it’s time to restore clean, open, and honest government in Wisconsin.”

About Matt Flynn

Matt Flynn is a Navy veteran, attorney, and former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Flynn is the oldest in a large family and went to school on scholarships. He worked in the kitchen of a dining hall to help pay his way. Flynn’s father, Gerard, taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for many years. After the children were grown, Flynn’s mother, Geraldine, worked in the Post Office.

Matt and Mary Flynn have been married for 41 years. Mary is originally from Monroe, Wisconsin and worked for many years as a speech pathologist in the Germantown Public Schools.

After college, Flynn joined the Navy. After he was honorably discharged, Matt attended law school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After earning his law degree, Flynn clerked for Chief Judge Thomas Fairchild – a former Wisconsin Attorney General – on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. He then began his legal career in Milwaukee.

Matt was elected Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Under his leadership, the party retired its debt, elected a Democratic Governor, and Democrats took majorities in both houses of the State Legislature.

Matt has helped many Democratic candidates get elected. He has been a strong voice in shaping public policy in Wisconsin.

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