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Statement on the passing of Rep. Bob Gannon PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Leah Vukmir for Senate, Jessica Ward   
Wednesday, 04 October 2017 10:48

bob-gannonMADISON, Wis. — Senate Assistant Majority Leader Leah Vukmir, R–Brookfield, issued the following statement Wednesday upon hearing the news of the death of state Rep. Bob Gannon, R–West Bend:

leah-vukmir“My heart aches upon hearing the news of the death of my friend and colleague, Bob Gannon. Our state suffers a great loss with his passing.

“Bob was a fierce and passionate voice in the state Legislature, fighting boldly to make Wisconsin a better and safer state. It was a privilege and joy to serve with him in the Capitol. He was always ready to brighten up a room with his sharp wit and humor. He will be missed.

“My prayers go out for Bob’s wife, kids, family, friends and constituents during this very sad time.”

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