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McCabe Won’t Live in Governor’s Mansion Once Elected PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Friday, 22 September 2017 14:40

governor-mansionwiAnnounces Plan at Milwaukee Rally Thursday. "The house belongs to the people of Wisconsin," he says.

MILWAUKEE, WI - Wisconsin governor candidate Mike McCabe announced Thursday that he will decline to live in the Governor’s Mansion if elected but will leave it up to the people of the state to decide what to do with the residence.

mike-mccabe“Governors should be servants, not masters. To me, that means a governor is under the people, not above them,” McCabe said. “It doesn’t seem right to move into a 20,000-square-foot mansion in the name of public service. I’ve never lived in a mansion in my life and getting elected to represent the people is no reason to start.”

He went on to say: “We have a poisoned political culture that glorifies greed and dooms us to a government and economy that work great for the rich and powerful at everyone else’s expense. Concern for the common good has fallen out of fashion. Genuine public service has given way to a lot of back scratching, nest feathering and ladder climbing. Bringing back true public service for the common good requires leadership by example.”

If elected, McCabe will continue to live in the 1,400-square-foot home he shares with his wife and teenage son. He won’t decide the future of the Governor’s Mansion, however.

“The house belongs to the people of Wisconsin. Let the people decide what to do with it,” he said. “If they want it sold, it should be sold. If they want to keep it for some future governor to live in, it should be kept. If they want to turn it into a museum, then that’s what should happen. Hell, if they want to make it into an Airbnb, it’s up to the them.”

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