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Commoners Line Up Small Donors for Mike McCabe PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Commoners for Mike McCabe, Christine Welcher   
Saturday, 09 September 2017 09:29

McCabeBlue Jean Nation outsider run for Governor of Wisconsin gains strength.

ALTOONA, WI -  We need 500 people to pledge to give $200 on September 12, the day Mike will officially be a candidate for governor.

McCabeThat’s the goal of the statewide committee of his supporters, Commoners for Mike McCabe.

We’ve set this goal for two reasons. First, we want to do everything we can to get Mike’s campaign off to a fast start. Second, we want to send a message to the political establishment that it’s possible to take a principled stand against the legal bribery of our elected officials and still have the means to mount a vigorous statewide campaign.

Candidates for governor can legally accept donations as large as $20,000 from individuals and $86,000 from political action committees. Mike sees these huge donations for what they are. Legal bribes. He won’t take them. In fact, he’s not accepting any single donation over $200. For decades as an independent watchdog Mike shined light on the legal bribes and exposed what these transactions do to corrupt our government and rob you of your voice.

He’s had our backs all these years. An army of us need to have his back now. The cynical insiders are busy telling each other Mike’s campaign shouldn’t be taken seriously. Raising $100,000 in a single day would blow a mammoth hole in that theory.

To do it, we need 500 people to pledge to give $200 on 9/12.

Will you be one of them? Email me at:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to join #500Strong

Last Updated on Saturday, 09 September 2017 10:06
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