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March 20th Children's March in Support of PBS PDF Print E-mail
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Saturday, 18 March 2017 16:20

big_birdArea children, parents, and other concerned citizens to gather at the City Deck in Green Bay on Monday to show support for PBS and its popular lineup of children’s programming, which Trump has threatened to eliminate.

GREEN BAY - Forward Action Wisconsin Network-Fox Valley is hosting a children’s march on Fred Roger’s 89th birthday, Monday, March 20, at the City Deck in Green Bay, to show support for PBS and its popular lineup of children’s programming, which is at risk of losing significant federal funding.

In President Trump’s recently proposed budget, federal financial support of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which is a primary funder of PBS programming, would be completely eliminated — a move that has been characterized by the CPB’s president as “devastating.”

For generations, parents and children have looked to PBS as the gold standard for children’s programming that is educational, nonviolent, and commercial-free. PBS is a valuable resource beloved by kids and parents alike, and its value far outweighs its cost to taxpayers, which is a modest $1.35 per citizen a year.

“Elected officials in D.C. need to recognize that their constituents appreciate public broadcasting and see it as an integral part of parenting and early education. In fact, 73 percent of voters oppose eliminating funding for public television. Representatives were not given a mandate to eliminate the CPB,” said Lindsay Dorff, local parent and member of FAWN.

WHAT: Save PBS Kids! A kid-friendly march to support PBS and its popular children’s programming

WHEN:Monday, March 20, 10:45 - 11:30am

WHERE: 10:45am — Kids, parents, and concerned citizens will gather at the Green Bay City Deck.

11:00am — March begins. It will end at the Brown County Central Library on Pine St.

Last Updated on Saturday, 18 March 2017 16:56
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