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Walker's Proposed Budget A Mixed Bag of Promises PDF Print E-mail
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Written by GBP Staff   
Wednesday, 08 February 2017 19:29

scott-walkerGovernor tries to rebuild sagging approval ratings with a reversal of education cuts, but neglects roads, income inequality, and families struggling with rising child care costs, student loan debt and retirement insecurity.

MADISON - Earlier today, Gov. Scott Walker introduced his 2017-2019 budget proposal to the Wisconsin State Legislature.

The budget appears to be one from a Governor who is realizing that his treatment of public education has been extremely unpopular and is now trying to get his approval ratings up heading into the 2018 election.

dave-hansen"It is good to see the Governor is finally admitting that his cuts to our public schools and universities was wrong for Wisconsin families," said Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay). "People would do well to approach his promises with caution because he has made a lot of promises based on revenues the state may never see."

For the past six years, our local K-12 schools, universities, and technical colleges have been hit with devastating cuts. That trend is reversed, but not enough to reverse the damage Walker created.

This budget also fails to address the need to fix our deteriorating roads and bridges or the growing gap between Wisconsin’s richest and poorest citizens and does nothing to help middle class families struggling with rising child care costs, student loan debt and retirement insecurity.

Finally, Walker's budget is a trap for legislative Republicans who will be forced to reconcile his promises with a fiscal reality that does not support them.


Jay Wadd contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 08 February 2017 21:33
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