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Duffy Looks at 'Good Things' from Charleston Church Terrorist Attack PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Brandon Weathersby   
Tuesday, 07 February 2017 15:22

vetmarchCongressman Sean Duffy reveals that he thought there was a difference between Quebec attack where six Muslim residents were killed by a right-wing terrorist and the the ones inspired by ISIS.

MADISON - Residents of Wisconsin's Seventh Congressional District might be having buyers remorse after electing Rep. Sean Duffy in November. Since scoring another chance to chase down corporate donations and appear on cable television, Rep. Sean Duffy has rebuffed Wisconsin values at every turn, but today he took his act to a new low.

sean_duffyThis morning on CNN, when pressed by CNN host Alisyn Camerota why President Trump failed to address the recent mosque attack in Quebec City, where six Muslim residents were killed by a right-wing supporter, Congressman Sean Duffy revealed that he thought there was a difference between attacks like the ones inspired by ISIS and the one that took place in Canada.

Duffy took it a step further when reminded that extremism, hatred, and white supremacy were common threads behind acts of terrorism like the attacks in Quebec City and Charleston, South Carolina. Duffy responded to the Charleston example, where nine innocent churchgoers were slain, that the outcome of Gov. Nikki Haley taking down the confederate flag was in fact "great."

Reporters nationwide have been taken aback by Duffy's insensitive, nonsensical, politically craven comments:

SalonRepublican Rep. Sean Duffy believes there is no comparison between radical Islamist attacks and violence carried out in the name of white supremacy. In fact, the Wisconsin congressman compared Trump’s silence on the Canadian mosque shooting to the media’s inadequate coverage of people getting “beat up for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.”

Huffington Post: Duffy argued in his CNN interview that attacks by white people ― such as the one in Quebec City ― aren’t as big of a problem.

RawStory: “You don’t think there are white extremists?” Camerota said. “You don’t remember Oklahoma City? You don’t think that this guy who was involved in the mosque shooting said that he was inspired by things that he read online?” Duffy conceded that the “New Day” host had provided a second example, but he dismissed Timothy McVeigh as not recent enough to be relevant. Camerota asked the congressman if he remembered Charleston, where a white supremacist gunned down nine black worshipers in 2015, and she asked whether those killings mattered.

RawStory, ctd: “No, it does matter,” he said. “It does matter. Look at the good things that came from it. Nikki Haley took down the Confederate flag — that was great. But you want to say, I can give you a couple examples, but there’s no constant threat that goes through these attacks, and you have radical Islamic terrorists and ISIS that are driving the attacks, and if you want to compare those two, maybe you can throw another one.” The congressman also said that those who had not seen the place affected by terror first-hand would not be able to understand the impact, prompting Camerota to remind him that both she and her network visited those places.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 February 2017 15:57
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