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Democratic Radio "New Session, New Members, New Ideas" PDF Print E-mail
Written by Wisconsin Assembly Democrats   
Thursday, 05 January 2017 15:50

Dave ConsidineMADISON – Today Rep. Dave Considine (D-Baraboo) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on the new session. 

"This session, we will focus on long-term, sustainable solutions to the real problems that face Wisconsinites every day," Rep. Considine said. "We hope to work with Republicans in the Assembly to achieve our goals, but no matter what, we won’t lose sight what matters most – making life better for our constituents in the Badger state."

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here or below.

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m Representative Dave Considine with this week’s Democratic radio address.

"The 103rd Wisconsin State Legislature began this week, and Democrats in the Assembly are ready to get to work. 

"Right now in our state, 51 percent of registered voters feel that things in Wisconsin have gotten off on the wrong track. Wisconsin has the most diminished middle class in the country, our schools have lost over a billion dollars in state aid and our roads are the third worst in the country. 

"This session, we will focus on long-term, sustainable solutions to the real problems that face Wisconsinites every day. We hope to work with Republicans in the Assembly to achieve our goals, but no matter what, we won’t lose sight what matters most – making life better for our constituents in the Badger state. 

"I would also like to welcome new members to our caucus, whose expertise and drive can only make the Assembly better – Representatives Jimmy Anderson, David Crowley, Jason Fields and Don Vruwink.

"With this New Year, our caucus will be sure to listen to the people in our state, work hard to represent them and fight for our future."

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