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Walker, Trump Put Polluters & Special Interests Ahead of Families PDF Print E-mail
News - Articles for State & Local
Written by Wisconsin Senate Democrats   
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 16:05

trump-walkerGov. Walker writes President-elect Donald Trump today proposing costly, discriminatory and unconstitutional policies aimed at punishing workers and dividing communities.

MADISON, WI – Ignoring Wisconsin’s looming budget deficit, historic school cuts, an ongoing transportation funding crisis and widening income inequality, Gov. Scott Walker wrote to President-elect Donald Trump today seeking to put polluters and wealthy special interests ahead of working families.

Rather than creating jobs and expanding economic opportunities, Gov. Walker is once again proposing a range of costly, discriminatory and unconstitutional policies aimed at punishing workers and dividing communities.

jennifer-shilling“It’s no surprise that Gov. Walker wants to team up with President-elect Trump to put polluters and wealthy special interests ahead of Wisconsin’s working families," said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) in a statement. "These are the same unconstitutional and misguided Republican policies that have decimated Wisconsin’s middle class, cut family wages and resulted in 20 consecutive quarters of below-average economic performance."

“Families want us to focus on boosting wages, strengthening schools, making child care more affordable and improving retirement security," Shilling continued. "Rather than rejecting federal funding for health care, broadband and transportation like Gov. Walker has done, Democrats want to ensure that tax dollars paid by Wisconsin families are being returned here to our state and used to strengthen our middle class.”


Legislative writer Tony Palese contributed to this story.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 December 2016 20:10
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