Attorney General Kaul and former NSA President Dave Mahoney join Green Bay area State Senate candidate to support local law enforcement officers.
Green Bay, WI— Attorney General Kaul and Dave Mahoney, former President of the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA), joined State Senate candidate Jamie Wall for a virtual press call to discuss public safety efforts and policy needs.
With an emphasis on supporting local law enforcement officers, building safer communities, and protecting the pensions of those who served, Jamie Wall earned an endorsement from our state’s chief law officer, Attorney General Kaul.
Participants’ statements from the press call are below. A recording of the press call is available upon request to
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Attorney General Josh Kaul, “Jamie understands the importance of public safety and knows that we need to invest in it, whether it's by investing in law enforcement, in victim service programs, or in treatment and diversion programs that help reduce addiction. He possesses the kind of leadership that will move our state forward and make our communities safer.”
Jamie Wall, “Those of us in Brown County, and all over the state, depend on the commitment and sacrifice of our police officers, firefighters, and EMS professionals, and we can do more to support them and provide the resources they need.”
Dave Mahoney, “As a professional law enforcement officer for over 40 years, I am keenly aware of the challenges facing public safety professionals in Wisconsin and throughout the nation, issues that affect not only our officers but also the communities they serve. Jamie Wall has proven himself to be a problem-solver, someone who is willing to put in the hard work to get things done, and a leader who will work across the aisle for the good of his community. I know Jamie will have our backs in Madison, and I’m proud to have his back these next few days.”