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Trump Can’t Explain Why He Called Milwaukee a “Horrible City” PDF Print E-mail
Elections, Elected Officials, Political Parties
Written by Biden for Wisconsin Press   
Thursday, 13 June 2024 17:34

donald-trump-kissTrump and MAGA Republicans can’t get their story straight.

Donald Trump is scrambling to do damage control after he reportedly called Milwaukee a “horrible city” – directly insulting the voters he’ll need to win this election. Spoiler alert: it’s not working.

In a press release, the Trump campaign called on six of his fellow MAGA Republicans to help him backtrack on his comments. The problem is, they can’t get their story straight.

Congressman Bryan Steil initially claimed Trump “did not say this,” but later admitted he had, saying he was talking about “specific issues in the city.” Congressman Derrick Van Orden said Trump was referring to the crime rate in Milwaukee, but Congressman Tom Tiffany claims it was about “election integrity.”

While Trump and his MAGA allies flail, Wisconsinites know President Biden loves Milwaukee. But if Trump is desperate for explanations for why he hates Milwaukee, here are our four suggestions for him:

  1. Milwaukee elected leaders have rejected him again and again… and again.

  2. His efforts to reach minority voters are completely failing here, and a former RNC Hispanic outreach center has closed down to become an ice cream shop.

  3. Unlike Trump, Milwaukee has a sense of humor – one brewery is already selling beer called “Not a Horrible City.”

  4. The people of Milwaukee are going to reject him in November, just like we did in 2020.

The following is a statement from Wisconsin Coordinated Campaign 2024 Rapid Response Director Kristi Johnston:

“Wisconsinites heard Trump loud and clear: He hates Milwaukee. The good news for Trump is that after he loses in November, he’ll never have to set foot in Wisconsin again.”

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