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Written by DNC War Room Press   
Monday, 10 June 2024 16:27

milw_river_viewDNC Chair Harrison Focuses on Black Voter Outreach

MILWAUKEE - This weekend, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison traveled to Milwaukee for the Wisconsin Democratic Party Convention, where he headlined several events engaging with Black, Latino, faith, and LGBTQ+ community members – core constituencies central to the winning Biden-Harris coalition. 

biden-harrisThe visit was a continuation of his Road to the Convention tour and followed the launch of Wisconsin Black Voters for Biden-Harris. Chair Harrison joined several popular Wisconsin Black radio shows, including “The Truth with Sherwin Hughes” on 101.7 The Truth, and “The Earl Ingram Show.” President Biden and the Democrats aren’t taking a single vote for granted, and their continued presence in Wisconsin this cycle is a sign of their ongoing commitment to voters in the crucial battleground.

Find highlights from the chair’s visit below:

Milwaukee Courier: Wisconsin Democrats Engage Black Voters in Milwaukee with Roundtable Discussion

“Harrison shared examples of the differences between the two candidates.

“‘The stark difference is one person is actually speaking to the future of this country and who we can become. The other wants to live in the past.’

“‘Under the Trump administration most of all of the PPP loans went to big banks; it did not go to the community banks,’ Harrison said. ‘Small Black barber shops, beauticians, grocery stores needed loans but didn’t get them until Joe Biden got in the White House and Democrats had control of the House and Senate. From the PPP loans under Trump, there were 1700 loans for small Black businesses $592 million, under Biden 4781 loans, $1.4 billion. Also, child poverty was cut in half the first year of the Biden Administration because of the tax child credit.’”

Fox6: Wisconsin Democrats convene in Milwaukee, look to build momentum

“Wisconsin is expected to be one of the most pivotal states in the 2024 presidential election.

“‘I hope the folks in Wisconsin understand the power they have,’ said Jaime Harrison, Democratic National Committee chair. ‘This is probably the battleground state.’”

WisPolitics: DNC Chair Harrison: Dems have chance to ‘choose progress over chaos’ in fall elections

“DNC Chair Jaime Harrison today urged Democrats to vote in the 2024 election, describing the election as a struggle of hope against fear. 

“‘They want to dictate every part of our lives so that we fall in line and we don’t question their motives,’ Harrison said of Republicans. ‘Their values are not American values, because American values always boil down to one word: hope. They are the party of fear. We are the party of hope.’”

WisPolitics: Dem leaders slam GOP lack of infrastructure in Wisconsin

“DNC Chair Jaime Harrison added the national party has 200 coordinated campaign offices in battleground states, including the 47 in Wisconsin.”

WMTV: Chair Harrison emphasizes the power of voters in Wisconsin

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Democrats gather in Milwaukee for state convention

Last Updated on Thursday, 13 June 2024 13:41
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