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Gov. Evers: Kicking Off June Dairy Month PDF Print E-mail
Written by GOV Press Wisconsin   
Thursday, 30 May 2024 11:53

wisc-dairy-farmMADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered his weekly radio address celebrating the kickoff of June Dairy Month and highlighting his administration’s efforts to support Wisconsin’s dairy farmers and uplift the state’s dairy industry.

Audio file to Radio Address.

Hey there, folks. Governor Tony Evers here, celebrating the kickoff of June Dairy Month! 

tony-eversSliced, cubed, shredded, curds—you name it—here in Wisconsin, we are proud to be the top cheese-producing state in the nation and to churn out some of the best dairy you can find anywhere in the world.

Our state’s multi-billion dollar dairy industry is a proud part of our state’s heritage and tradition, representing our past, present, and our future success.

I’m proud my administration has been working hard to support our dairy and agricultural industries.

I’ve signed legislation to advance our state’s agricultural export program, including funding explicitly targeted at promoting dairy products.  

We’ve also invested in key programs and projects like the Dairy Innovation Hub and the Center for Dairy Research at UW-Madison.  

In the budget last year, I was proud to continue our efforts to support producers by increasing dairy processor grants by $300,000 in each year to help businesses improve and modernize their operations.

And we’re helping make sure folks like our farmers and producers have reliable roads to transport their goods and supplies safely and securely from point A to point B with our new Agricultural Road Improvement Program, too.

Nobody does dairy like we do, and we will continue to support this industry to ensure its growth and success for future generations.

Because in America’s Dairyland, dairy is part of our DNA. As Wisconsinites, it’s part of our way of life.

So, this June Dairy Month and every month, I encourage folks to pick up their favorite ice cream, milk, cheese, cottage cheese—you name it—and support the hard-working dairy farmers across our state.

Happy June Dairy Month, Wisconsin!

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